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The report titled "瑞信-全球-投资策略-全球股票策略:将欧洲制药公司的评级下调至基准-426-21页.pdf" provides an overview of the downgrading of European pharmaceutical companies to the benchmark. This strategic investment strategy by Credit Suisse aims to analyze and assess the global stock market, particularly focusing on the European pharmaceutical sector.
The document emphasizes the importance of the disclosure appendix at the back of the report, containing essential disclosures, analyst certifications, legal entity disclosure, and the status of non-US analysts. It is crucial for investors to have access to this information to make well-informed decisions.
It is disclosed that Credit Suisse does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. This raises the awareness of potential conflicts of interest that could affect the objectivity of the report. Therefore, investors are advised to consider this report as only one factor in making their investment decisions.
The report provides insights into the global stock market and offers a specific focus on the European pharmaceutical industry. The decision to downgrade the rating of European pharmaceutical companies to the benchmark suggests a shift in the perception of the sector's performance.
Overall, the report serves as a valuable resource for investors and financial professionals looking to gain knowledge about the global stock market and the European pharmaceutical industry. It shines a light on the potential conflicts of interest that may arise in investment research and encourages investors to consider various factors before making investment decisions.

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