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"《大数据分析与Java》是一本面向Java开发者的入门指南,深入探讨如何在大型数据环境中利用Java进行数据分析。随着大数据技术的崛起,Java因其在Hadoop等主要平台上的广泛应用,成为了处理大数据的首选语言。本书以实践为导向,分为两大部分:第一部分是导论,帮助读者熟悉大数据环境,包括理解大规模、预测性、社交和自我驱动的数据特性。 书中包含一系列实战案例,如从Twitter数据集中进行情感分析,基于MovieLens数据集提供个性化推荐,针对电商数据集进行客户分群,以及在实际航班数据上执行图分析。这些实例让读者能够理解和应用大数据分析的实际操作。 第二部分深入讲解大数据分析的核心概念和技术,涵盖了数据处理、可视化、机器学习基础等内容。作者详细介绍了Naïve Bayes回归和分类方法的实操应用,强调了聚类分析的概念,并对深度学习框架如deeplearning4j或Java Spark进行深入讨论,让读者了解如何在真实世界场景中使用这些工具。 对于希望学习并应用于实际工作中的Java开发者来说,《大数据分析与Java》是一本不可或缺的参考资料。它不仅提供了理论知识,更注重实践操作,确保读者能够在掌握Java语言的同时,具备处理和解读海量数据的能力。无论你是初次接触大数据分析还是有一定经验的开发者,这本书都能帮助你提升技能,应对日益增长的数据挑战。"
2018-02-24 上传
Even as you read this content, there is a revolution happening behind the scenes in the field of big data. From every coffee that you pick up from a coffee store to everything you click or purchase online, almost every transaction, click, or choice of yours is getting analyzed. From this analysis, a lot of deductions are now being made to offer you new stuff and better choices according to your likes. These techniques and associated technologies are picking up so fast that as developers we all should be a part of this new wave in the field of software. This would allow us better prospects in our careers, as well as enhance our skill set to directly impact the business we work for. Earlier technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence used to sit in the labs of many PhD students. But with the rise of big data, these technologies have gone mainstream now. So, using these technologies, you can now predict which advertisement the user is going to click on next, or which product they would like to buy, or it can also show whether the image of a tumor is cancerous or not. The opportunities here are vast. Big data in itself consists of a whole lot of technologies whether cluster computing frameworks such as Apache Spark or Tez or distributed filesystems such as HDFS and Amazon S3 or real-time SQL on underlying data using Impala or Spark SQL. This book provides a lot of information on big data technologies, including machine learning, graph analytics, real-time analytics and an introductory chapter on deep learning as well. I have tried to cover both technical and conceptual aspects of these technologies. In doing so, I have used many real- world case studies to depict how these technologies can be used in real life. So this book will teach you how to run a fast algorithm on the transactional data available on an e-commerce site to figure out which items sell together, or how to run a page rank algorithm on a flight dataset to figure out the most important airports in a country based on air traffic. There are many content gems like these in the book for readers.