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The embedded WEB server designed in this project is based on ARM architecture with ARM-Linux operating system installed on the ARM chip. It is capable of publishing both static and interactive dynamic pages, allowing users to send commands to the WEB server remotely.
The design of the embedded WEB server consists of components such as Apache server, SQLite database, and PHP engine. The installation process and detailed design scheme are elaborated in this paper. By installing Apache SQLite PHP system on the ARM-Linux platform, successful dynamic interaction between administrators and SQLite embedded database system is achieved.
The design of the embedded WEB server holds significant importance in achieving precise remote control. By integrating embedded devices with WEB servers, users can have remote access and control over the embedded system. This design enables users to interact with the embedded system through a web interface, thus enhancing the accessibility and flexibility of the system.
In conclusion, the implementation of the embedded WEB server on ARM architecture successfully combines the functionality of a web server with the capabilities of embedded devices, providing a powerful tool for remote control and management. This design opens up possibilities for efficient and effective remote monitoring and control of embedded systems, making it a valuable asset in the field of embedded systems development.
2022-06-27 上传
107 浏览量
2024-06-29 上传
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109 浏览量

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