Memory Cloud
(Distributed Key-Value Store)
Trinity Specification Language
Graph Model
Graph Operations
GetInlinks(), Outlinks.Foreach(...), etc
Figure 2: System Layers
the data storage. Due to the diversity of graphs and the
diversity of graph applications, it is hard , if not entirely im-
possible, to support efficient general purpose graph compu-
tation using fixed graph schema. Instead of using fixed graph
schema and fixed computation models, Trinity let users de-
fine graph schema, communication protocols, and compu ta-
tion paradigms through TSL.
We create a distributed memory cloud as Trinity’s stor-
age infrastructure. The memory cloud consists of 2
ory trunks, each of which is stored on a machine. Usually,
we have 2
> m, where m is the number of machines. In
other words, each machine hosts multiple memory trunks.
The reason we p artition a machine’s local memory space
into multiple memory trunks is twofold: 1) Trunk level par-
allelism can be achieved without any overhead of locking;
2) The performance of a single huge hash table is subop ti-
mal due to a higher probability of hashing conflicts. Essen-
tially, the entire memory cloud is partitioned into 2
ory trunks. To support fault-tolerant data persistence, these
memory trunks are also backed up in a shared distributed
file system called TFS (Trinity File System), which is similar
to HDFS [10].
On top of the memory cloud, we create a key-value store.
A key-value pair forms the most basic data structure of the
graph system or any system built on top of the memory
cloud. Here, keys are 64-bit globally unique identifiers, and
values are blobs of arbitrary length. As the memory cloud
is distributed across multiple machines, we cannot address
a key-value pair using its physical memory address. To ad-
dress a key-value p air, Trinity uses a hashing mechanism.
In order to locate the value of a given key, we first 1) iden-
tify the machine that stores the key-value pair, and then 2)
locate the key-value pair in one of the memory trunks on
that machine. Through this hashing mechanism (shown in
Figure 3), we provide a globally add ressable memory space.
Specifically, given a 64-bit key, to locate its correspond -
ing value in the memory cloud, we hash the key to a p-bit
value i ∈ [0, 2
− 1]. This means the key-value pair is stored
in memory trunk i within the memory cloud. To find out
which m achine memory t runk i is in, we maintain an “ad-
dressing table” that contains 2
slots, where each slot stores
a machine ID. Essentially, we implement a consistent hash-
ing mechanism that allows machines to join and leave the
64-bit UID
machine 0 machine 1 machine 2 machine m
. . .
0 1
· · ·
1 2
p -bit
hash code
0 1 2 3
· · ·
. . .
0 1 2
Trinity File System
. . .
Memory Trunks
cell bytes
Memory Trunk
01. . . 321 123
10. . . 423 211
· · · · · · · · ·
Figure 3: Data Partitioning and Addressing
memory cloud (described later). Furthermore, in order for
global addressing to work, each machine keeps a replica of
the addressing table, and we will describe how we ensure the
consistency of the addressing tables in Section 6.2.
We then locate the key-value pair in memory trunk i,
which is stored on th e machine whose ID is in slot i of the
addressing table. Each memory trunk is associated with a
hash table. We hash the 64-bit key again to fin d the offset
and size of the key-value pair in the hash table. Given the
memory offset and the size, we retrieve th e key-value pair
from the memory trunk.
The addressing table provides a mechanism that allows
machines to dynamically join and leave the memory cloud.
When a machine fails, we reload the memory trunks it owns
from the TFS to other alive machines. All we need to do
is to update the addressing table so that the corresponding
slots point to the machines that host the data now. Simi-
larly, when new machines join the memory cloud, we relocate
some memory trunks t o those new machines and update the
addressing table accordingly.
Each key-value pair in the memory cloud may contain
some meta data for various purposes. Most notably, we
may associate each key-value pair with a spin lock. Spin
locks are used for concurrency control and physical memory
pinning. Multiple threads m ay try to access the same key-
value pair concurrently. A physical key-value pair may also
be moved by the memory defragmentation thread as elabo-
rated in Section 6.1. Therefore, we must en sure a key-value
pair is locked and pinned to a fixed memory position before
allowing any thread to manipulate it. For applications that
are not read-only, the spin lock mechanism allows a thread
to access a pinned physical key-value pair exclusively by re-
quiring all threads to acquire the lock before accessing or
moving a cell.
Trinity is d esigned to handle graph data of d iverse char-
acteristics. In this section, we describe data modeling issues