Citrix XenApp & XenDesktop 7.13:新特性与改进深度解析

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"XenApp和XenDesktop 7.13是Citrix提供的虚拟化解决方案,专注于提供应用程序和桌面的远程访问。这个版本带来了许多改进和新特性,旨在提升用户体验、增强安全性、优化管理和简化部署。以下是其中的一些关键点: 1. **Provisioning Services Accelerator**:这是一个用于加速 Citrix Provisioning Services 部署的工具,帮助快速构建和更新虚拟桌面和应用环境。 2. **Hypervisor Introspection**:提供了更深入的虚拟机监控功能,增强了对潜在安全威胁的防护能力。 3. **SmartCheck**:智能检查工具,可以自动检测并诊断XenApp和XenDesktop环境中的问题,帮助管理员快速定位并解决问题。 4. **HDX 技术**:在7.13版本中,HDX(High Definition Experience)得到了进一步优化,提供了更好的远程桌面和应用体验,特别是在图形密集型应用和移动设备上的表现。 5. **SmartAccess for mobile**:智能访问功能针对移动设备进行了增强,允许基于用户角色和设备类型来定制访问权限。 6. **StoreFront SAML Authentication**:支持使用Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)进行身份验证,增强了单点登录(SSO)功能,简化了用户登录过程。 7. **XenServer Patching**:对于XenServer的补丁管理有了新的关注点,提高了打补丁的效率和安全性。 8. **Provisioning Services for Linux**:扩展了对Linux的支持,允许管理员为Linux环境部署和管理虚拟资源。 9. **HDX 3D Pro for AMD**:为使用AMD显卡的用户提供增强的3D图形支持。 10. **H.264编码与Intel Iris Pro集成**:利用Intel Iris Pro显卡的硬件编码能力,提高视频流的性能和质量。 11. **扩大的USB设备支持**:用户现在可以更加灵活地接入各种USB设备。 12. **Linux Seamless Published Apps**:提供无缝的Linux应用程序发布,让用户感觉应用程序像是在本地运行。 13. **Gateway/Storefront setup**:简化了网关和StoreFront的设置流程,使得配置更加直观。 14. **VDA注册优化**:优化了虚拟桌面代理(VDA)的注册过程,提高了系统性能和稳定性。 15. **空闲时间过滤器**:允许管理员根据用户空闲时间来执行资源管理策略,例如自动注销或休眠。 16. **64位AppDNA What’s New**:64位版本的AppDNA带来了新的功能,提升了应用迁移和兼容性测试的能力。 17. **Local Host Cache**:本地主机缓存功能改善了离线工作模式,确保即使在网络中断时也能访问数据。 18. **自定义报告**:增强了报告功能,允许管理员根据需要创建和定制报告。 19. **XenApp and XenDesktop 7.12的改进**:包括AppTagging、重启计划、UPM Registry Active Write Back等,持续提升产品功能。 20. **Linux方面的改进**:对Linux环境的支持得到了加强,例如Hyper-V Gen2 Secure Boot、MCS IOCache for Azure等。 21. **Remote PC Access Installer**:简化了远程PC访问的安装过程。 22. **8-Bit Thinwire**:优化了网络带宽使用,降低了远程连接的延迟。 23. **SNMP Alerting**:通过SNMP协议发送警报,增强了系统监控和故障响应。 24. **键盘布局同步**:确保用户在不同设备间切换时保持一致的键盘布局。 25. **HTML5 Video Redirection**:改进了HTML5视频的重定向,提供更好的远程观看体验。 26. **Self-Service Password Reset**:允许用户自行重置密码,减少了IT支持负担。 27. **Universal Print Driver (EMF)**:统一的打印驱动程序提供了跨平台的兼容性和效率。 28. **Session Recording**:记录用户会话,便于审计和问题排查。 29. **Pre-launch unauthenticated users**:预启动未认证用户的特性,允许用户提前加载应用程序,缩短等待时间。 30. **Windows Server 2016和Windows 10 Anniversary Update**:支持最新的操作系统版本,确保与最新技术的兼容性。 31. **Seamless Universal Windows Apps**:无缝集成通用Windows应用程序,提供一致的用户体验。 32. **Workspace Environment Management**:管理用户的工作空间环境,提供个性化的用户体验。 33. **Published Linux Apps**:对Linux应用程序的发布功能进行了增强,增加了可用的应用程序范围。 XenApp和XenDesktop 7.13的这些改进和新特性,无疑使它成为一个强大的虚拟化解决方案,满足了企业对高效、安全和易用性的需求。"
2012-06-17 上传
• Citrix XenApp5.0培训 • 主讲:jaffee • XenApp 5.0 server • Farm:  Citrix XenApp server uses server farms to organize and manage servers.  load balance user sessions  manage the entire set of Citrix XenApp servers from a single point  Users can connect directly to applications, without needing to know the location of an individual server  reconnect to another server and receive the same environment as before when the sever crashs • TwoTechnology • ICA: Independent Computing Architecture  At its heart, ICA intercepts and transports screens from the server that a published application runs on to the client PC It then takes the user’s return input and transmits it back to the server for processing  ICA uses port 1494 by default, or 2598  What Is Actually Being Sent between an ICA Client and a XenApp Server?  ICA works by essentially piggybacking on top of other protocols such as TCP/IP、 UDP and IPX/SPX  The ICA client also can cache frequently used graphics such as icons and menu items • Citrix Session States • TwoTechnology • Independent Management Architecture(IMA)  It is a centralized management subsystem that allows you to define and control the elements of your server farm  Server-to-server communication occurs over TCP port 2512, PMC-to-server communication occurs over TCP port 2513  In essence, it is the technology that allows you to group servers • Citrix Datastore • S tore information within the Citrix XenApp server farm that remains relatively static. Items such as published applications, administrator names and permissions, and server listings • A single datastore is used for each individual server farm • T he datastore can reside on a Citrix XenApp server or on a dedicated host • Citrix XenApp supports Microsoft Access, MS SQL Express, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2 • Disk space requirements for the datastore are approximately 20 MB for every 100 servers • Datastore Usage • Access mode: direct mode and indirect mode  Direct mode :Microsoft SQL or Oracle  Indirect mod:Microsoft Access With the availability of three solutions for the datastore, how do you tell which one best fits your environment? • LHC :Local Host Cache • The LHC is a partial copy of the datastore database that every XenApp server maintains locally to the server itself  Continue running based on the configuration that is last received from the datastore  performance • Data Collector • Manage information that changes frequently, such as current sessions, active licenses, and server and application load values within a zone • The data collector acts as the central point of information when clients connect to your server farm • Every zone with a server farm consists of one active data collector • Bandwidth Requirements for a Server Farm • Server-to-Data-Store Communication KB = 275 + (5 * Servers) + (0.5 * Apps) + (92 * Print Drivers) A farm with 4 severs,12 published applications, and 6 print drivers KB = 275 + (5 * 4) + (0.5 * 12) + (92 * 6) KB = 275 + (20) + (6) + (552) KB = 275 + (578) KB = 853 • Bandwidth Requirements for a Server Farm • Data Collector Communication Bytes = 11000 + (1000 * Con) + (600 * Discon) + (350 * Apps) A server with 20 connected sessions, four disconnected sessions, and nine published applications Bytes = 11,000 + (1,000 * 20) + (600 * 4) + (350 * 9) Bytes = 11,000 + (20,000) + (2400) + (3150) Bytes = 11,000 + (25,550) Bytes = 36,550 or 36.55 KB • Listener Ports • Listener ports work in cooperation with internal system components and client connections • The listener service monitors new client connections and manages the idle sessions. • CPS4.5 vs XenApp 5.0 XenApp 2008/1 Presentation Server MetaFrame WinFrame Note: Xen App5.0:windows server 2003*/2008* CPS4.5 :windows server 2003 * • XenApp Server Editions • XenApp Edition Components • XenApp 5.0 Server License Server • XenApp server will not accept user connections until it can contact a License Server • Citrix provides a 96-hour initial grace period that will allow up to two users to connect while unable to connect to a License Server • Citrix XenApp client • the XenApp Plugin,the XenApp Web Plugin, and Program Neighborhood • Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) IBM’s Tivoli Provisioning Manager are used to centralize deployment and maintain software • the XenApp Plugin • Launch applications from her Start | Programs menu • Step:  publishing an application to the XenApp farm  To launch an application from the System Tray icon  DISCONNECT, RECONNECT, AND LOG OFF OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE CONNECTION CENTER • the Citrix XenApp Web Plugin • The Web Plugin is the simplest of the Windows clients and does not allow for as much interaction or configuration. • often be deployed in scenarios where machines are older, slower, or not in need of additional configuration options such as the Start menu and desktop shortcuts • Program Neighborhood • Oldest ICA client version but the most advanced • Many settings are available to users as check boxes or radio buttons • good in the sense that users can enable a setting such as Local Text Echo for just their client if they are a fast typist and the latency of the session cannot keep up; and bad when a user can delete his application set and can’t get connected • the only client that connects to applications on a Citrix server that have not been published for access by users