Node.js v8.1.3版本发布 - 高性能Web服务器开发

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资源摘要信息:"node-v8.1.3-headers.tar.gz" 知识点: 1. Node.js定义:Node.js是一个开源且跨平台的JavaScript运行时环境,允许JavaScript代码在浏览器外运行。它是由Ryan Dahl于2009年创建的。 2. Node.js运行机制:Node.js基于Google Chrome的V8 JavaScript引擎构建,可以在多种操作系统上运行,包括Windows、Linux、Unix和Mac OS X。 3. Node.js特点:Node.js采用事件驱动和非阻塞I/O模型,使得它能够高效处理大量并发连接,特别适合构建实时应用程序,如在线游戏、聊天应用和实时通讯服务。 4. 模块化架构与npm:Node.js采用模块化架构,利用npm(Node package manager,Node包管理器)实现代码的共享与复用,推动了Node.js生态系统的发展和扩张。 5. 应用范围:Node.js不仅用于服务器端开发,还能用于构建工具链、开发桌面应用程序、物联网设备等,可以处理文件系统、操作数据库、处理网络请求等任务,支持开发者使用JavaScript编写全栈应用程序。 6. 实际应用案例:许多大型企业和组织,如Netflix、PayPal和Walmart等,采用Node.js作为其Web应用程序的开发平台,利用Node.js提升了应用性能,简化了开发流程,并能够更快地响应市场需求。 7. Node.js版本信息:文件名称"node-v8.1.3-headers.tar.gz"中的"v8.1.3"指的是Node.js的一个具体版本号,表明这是一个Node.js版本8.1.3的源代码文件包。 8. 文件格式说明:".tar.gz"是文件压缩格式,表明这是一个使用了GNU tar工具打包并使用gzip进行压缩的归档文件。通常这类文件包含源代码或文件系统的压缩包,需要使用相应的解压缩软件进行解压和查看。 总结:Node.js是一个强大的JavaScript运行时环境,具有事件驱动和非阻塞I/O模型,适用于多种操作系统。它的模块化架构和包管理器npm极大地促进了开发社区的协作和发展。Node.js不仅限于服务器端开发,其广泛的应用范围和成功案例证明了它在现代Web开发中的重要性。对Node.js版本的文件"node-v8.1.3-headers.tar.gz"的深入分析,有助于理解Node.js源代码的结构和构建过程。

以下包有没有可以连接mysql的:absl-py 1.3.0 aiohttp 3.8.3 aiosignal 1.3.1 antlr4-python3-runtime 4.8 async-timeout 4.0.2 attrs 22.1.0 cachetools 5.2.0 certifi 2022.9.24 charset-normalizer 2.0.12 click 8.1.3 commonmark 0.9.1 datasets 2.3.2 dill filelock 3.8.0 fire 0.4.0 Flask 2.1.2 fonttools 4.38.0 frozenlist 1.3.3 fsspec 2022.11.0 future 0.18.2 google-auth 2.14.1 google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.6 grpcio 1.50.0 huggingface-hub 0.11.0 idna 3.4 importlib-metadata 5.0.0 itsdangerous 2.1.2 jieba 0.42.1 Jinja2 3.1.2 joblib 1.2.0 keybert 0.7.0 lxml 4.9.1 Markdown 3.4.1 MarkupSafe 2.1.1 multidict 6.0.2 multiprocess 0.70.13 networkx 2.8.8 nltk 3.7 numpy 1.20.3 oauthlib 3.2.2 omegaconf 2.1.1 opencv-python opencv-python-headless packaging 21.3 pandas 1.5.2 pdf2docx 0.5.6 Pillow 9.3.0 pip 21.1.3 protobuf 3.20.3 pyarrow 10.0.0 pyasn1 0.4.8 pyasn1-modules 0.2.8 pyDeprecate 0.3.1 Pygments 2.13.0 PyMuPDF 1.21.0 pyparsing 3.0.9 python-dateutil 2.8.2 python-docx 0.8.11 pytorch-crf 0.7.2 pytorch-lightning 1.5.6 pytz 2022.6 PyYAML 6.0 regex 2021.11.10 requests 2.26.0 requests-oauthlib 1.3.1 responses 0.18.0 rich 12.6.0 rsa 4.9 sacremoses 0.0.53 scikit-learn 1.1.3 scipy 1.9.3 sentence-transformers 2.2.2 sentencepiece 0.1.97 setuptools 57.0.0 six 1.16.0 tensorboard 2.11.0 tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1 tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.8.1 termcolor 2.1.1 textrank4zh 0.3 threadpoolctl 3.1.0 tokenizers 0.10.3 torch 1.10.1+cu111 torchaudio 0.10.1+rocm4.1 torchmetrics 0.10.3 torchvision 0.11.2+cu111 tqdm 4.64.1 transformers 4.12.5 typing-extensions 4.4.0 urllib3 1.26.12 Werkzeug 2.2.2 wheel 0.36.2 xxhash 3.1.0 yarl 1.8.1 zhon 1.1.5 zipp 3.10.0

2023-05-26 上传

Collecting face_recognition Using cached face_recognition-1.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (15 kB) Requirement already satisfied: Pillow in d:\anaconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages (from face_recognition) (9.4.0) Requirement already satisfied: face-recognition-models>=0.3.0 in d:\anaconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages (from face_recognition) (0.3.0) Collecting dlib>=19.7 Using cached dlib-19.24.1.tar.gz (3.2 MB) Preparing metadata ( ... done Requirement already satisfied: Click>=6.0 in d:\anaconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages (from face_recognition) (8.1.3) Requirement already satisfied: numpy in d:\anaconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages (from face_recognition) (1.24.2) Requirement already satisfied: colorama in d:\anaconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages (from Click>=6.0->face_recognition) (0.4.6) Building wheels for collected packages: dlib Building wheel for dlib ( ... error error: subprocess-exited-with-error × python bdist_wheel did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [7 lines of output] running bdist_wheel running build running build_py running build_ext ERROR: CMake must be installed to build dlib [end of output] note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip. ERROR: Failed building wheel for dlib Running clean for dlib Failed to build dlib Installing collected packages: dlib, face_recognition Running install for dlib ... error error: subprocess-exited-with-error × Running install for dlib did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [9 lines of output] running install D:\anaconda\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\ SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools. warnings.warn( running build running build_py running build_ext ERROR: CMake must be installed to build dlib [end of output] note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip. error: legacy-install-failure × Encountered error while trying to install package. ╰─> dlib note: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip. hint: See above for output from the failure.

2023-06-02 上传