15 January 1968
Block diagram(s) and blocked schematic (s) (see apendix).
Power distribution diagram(s) (see appendix).
Design outline (see appendix).
Test logic flow diagram.
Test logic chart(s) (see figure 3).
Test point data sheet(s) (see figure 4).
List of modules or functional entities not covered in (f) above, and supporting documentation as
specified in 5.7 and
Other supporting data or information deemed pertinent by the contractor.
7.2 Test point data sheet.
A list of all ATE test points shall be prepared with the following information de-
tailed for each test point (see example, figure 4):
Test point number - A number in a simple alpha-numeric code to be composed by the contractor
to identify each ATE test point.
Circuit drawing number -
The identification of the circuit drawing which depicts the circuit con-
taining the related circuit test point.
Connector number - The identification of the connector (see 4.8) which contains the sensed infor-
mation of the ATE test point.
Connector pin number - The identification of the specific pin in the connector which contains the
sensed information of the ATE test point.
Module or entity number - The identification number (see appendix for method of establishment)
of the module or functional entity which the circuit test point locates or monitors.
Circuit test point - The precise description of the location of the circuit test point within the prime
equipment circuitry, that is, junction of R112 and C62.
Parameter measured -
The statement of the key parameter, selected as specified in 6.2.3, to be
monitored at the circuit test point.
Parameter characteristics -
The nominal value(s) and dimensions of the key parameter.
Upper and lower parameter limits - The maximum and minimum values of the key parameter be-
tween which the parameter indication is considered “go.”
Test point source impedance -
The nominal value of impedance seen by the ATE looking into the
connector pin specified in (d) above.
ATE test point signal characteristics
- The nominal value(s) and dimensions of the sensor output
as it appears at the output connector.
Upper and lower ATE test point limit - The maximum and minimum values of the sensor output be-
tween which the signal indicates a “go” condition.
Initial calibration required - A yes or no indication as to whether or not an initial calibration of the
sensor is required.
Frequency of calibration - The frequency of calibration required, if any, by the sensor to retain its
Remarks and additional information -
Any relevant information considered pertinent or necessary.
7.3 Recommended test logic.
- A separate test logic chart shall be submitted for each normal mode(s) of
prime equipment operation that has a unique selected group of test points to be monitored. Based on the total
field of test points selected the contractor shall arrange the test points into a recommended logical hierarchy
abstracted from the design outline (see 7.1 (c)) for ATE sequential monitoring. Certain key test points shall be
designated as performance monitoring points and shall be kept to a minimum. Performance monitoring test
points, whose indications may depend upon indications of other test points, shall be the ones which are capable of
monitoring the performance of an entire equipment or a major portion of an equipment. The relationship of per-
formance monitoring test points, external power source test points, equipment mode test points, fault location
test points and virtual test points shall be graphically indicated on a test logic chart similar to figure 3. Each
test point shall be identified by its test point number.
8.1 Guidance meeting .
- After award of the contract, but not more than 90 days thereafter, the contractor
shall request and recommended a date for a meeting to be arranged by the procuring activity. The purpose of the
meeting will be to arrive at a format and timetable for data submission, and to delineate the particulars of the
design review cycle as called out in the contract. This meeting may be part of the over-all guidance meeting
called for in MIL-T-24309.
8.1.1 Prepartion for guidance meeting.
- The contractor shall prepare and submit to the procuring activity,
a skeleton data presentation format depicting the proposed form of data submission in response to section 7 of
this standard. This submission should include the information described herein, in addition to other documentation
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