Fig. 2. Block diagram of the GML detector for .
Fig. 3. BER results of the MA DCSK system, CSK system, and DS-SS system
over a multipath Nakagami fading channel. The parameters used are
, , , ,and .
corresponding to , is the th element of ,and is
the channel fading gain of the
th path corresponding to .
Next, the generalized maximum likelihood (GML) detector
[30] will be utilized to retrieve the source information
structure is illustrated in Fig. 2. Referring to this figure,
According to Section I, the DCSK system is superior to
the CSK and DS-SS system in terms of error performance
and implementation complexity. To validate this conclusion,
we present the BER results of the MA DCSK system, CSK
system, and DS-SS system in Fig. 3, where the frame length is
assumed as
and -sequences are used to implement
the DS-SS.
To simplify the comparison, the ARQ/CARQ and
CC techniques are not considered here. As can be observed, the
CSK and DS-SS systems, which possess similar error perfor-
mance, outperform the DCSK system in the low-SNR region
because of using a coherent detector, but they are inferior to
the DCSK system in the high-SNR region. In addition, the
performance advantage of the DCSK scheme will be more
remarkable as
increases due to a stronger robustness against
channel imperfection. Thereby, the DCSK system appears to
be a better SS scheme with respect to the other two systems.
2) DCSK-CC System : Consider a 2-user MA DCSK-CC
system [6], in which each transmission period is split into
two phases, i.e., broadcasting phase and cooperative phase. In
the 1st phase, the
th user broadcasts its own
DCSK signal
to the remaining terminals, i.e., the other user
and destination . In the 2nd phase, helps
For the sake of fair comparison, an extra “0” is added at the end of the pro-
-sequence because the length of an -sequence is always odd.
Fig. 4. The system model (a) and the transmission mechanism (b) of the MA
DCSK-ARQ scheme. The transmission channels and the feedback channels are
denoted by solid lines and dashed lines, respectively.
to forward its messages to . Exploiting the decode-and-for-
ward (DF) protocol,
firstly decodes the received signal in the
2nd phase. Then, the retrieved information is re-modulated and
forwarded to
if it has been successfully decoded; otherwise,
remains idling. Benefiting from the cooperative diver-
sity, the DCSK-CC system achieves remarkable performance
improvement as compared to the DCSK-NC system at the
expense of sacrificing some throughput. The above-mentioned
DCSK-CC system can be generalized to the
-user scenario,
in which a primary user transmits its signal to
users (i.e., relays). For more comprehensive
knowledge of the DCSK-CC system, please refer to [6].
1) DCSK-ARQ System: The system structure of the MA
DCSK scheme with ARQ (DCSK-ARQ scheme) is presented in
Fig. 4(a), which includes
users (i.e., )
and one destination
. As seen from Fig. 4(b), the ARQ protocol
in the DCSK-ARQ system is implemented by a frame-by-frame
acknowledgement mechanism [23]. To be specific, the
firstly transmit their corresponding data-frames modulated
by DCSK (i.e., DCSK-modulated frames) to
ously, where the frame length is defined as
. Utilizing the
GML detector,
retrieves the DCSK-modulated frame cor-
responding to
and checks whether the
decoding is successful or not. If the decoding is successful,
an acknowledgement (ACK) message will be fed back to
while a negative-acknowledgement (NACK) message will be
fed back otherwise.
keeps retransmitting the current frame
rather than transmitting the next frame until an ACK message
of the current frame is received or the maximum number of
retransmissions (i.e.,
) is reached. As a result, there
are totally one transmission phase and at most
mission phases in each transmission period. In this paper, it is
assumed that all the feedback channels used for transmitting the
ACK/NACK message are error free as in [23], [24]. In fact, the
feedback message can be protected by error control techniques,
e.g., error-correction coding, to realize reliable transmission.
Accordingly, this hypothesis is commonly made in most ARQ
research papers [25]–[29].
2) DCSK-CARQ System: Based on the DCSK-CC system,
we further propose a MA DCSK-CARQ system. As illustrated
in Fig. 5(a), the DCSK-CARQ system comprises one user
relays (i.e., and ),
and one destination
. Similar to the DCSK-ARQ system, each
transmission period also includes one transmission phase and
at most
retransmission phases in the CARQ protocol. In