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1698 The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal, 2015, 7, 1698-1704
1874-4443/15 2015 Bentham Open
Open Access
Detection and Tracking of Infrared Dim Small Image Sequence Moving
Huanhai Yang
Shandong Institute of Business and Technology, Yantai, Shandong 264005, China
Abstract: Infrared dim target detection and tracking is widely used in precision guidance, automatic control and other
fields. As the small target imaging system has far distance, small area, low SNR infrared characteristics and undergoes
image preprocessing, dim target detection technology is more important and more difficult. As a full play of the ad-
vantages of infrared small target detection technique has been provided, this has significance in infrared imaging. Based
on introducing the tracking technology development status at home and abroad by the study of small target detection, the
problems of detecting and tracking small moving target in infrared image sequence of background noise and interference
conditions, aiming at dynamic planning in energy diffusion problem are presented. The improved algorithm of dynamic
programming is also presented including weighted dynamic programming algorithm and the realization steps of the algo-
rithm. Detection structure and the experimental results are analyzed. The results show that the algorithm has a good effect.
In the end, this paper studies the rejected false targets in IR image track association method to obtain real object trajecto-
ries for moving small target detection, so as to improve the detection rate and reduce the false alarm rate.
Keywords: Local spectrum suppression, non-separable wavelet, score fusion, target enhancement.
The requirements of modern high technology war weap-
on system include a fast response and good stealth perfor-
mance that can timely detect the target, track the target, cap-
ture and lock the target, and realize the effective attack [1-6].
The infrared detection and imaging distance tracking tech-
nology can well satisfy this condition as it possesses conven-
tional imaging modalities such as visible light imaging and
radar imaging compared. Moreover, it has the following ad-
vantages: better environmental adaptability to visible light,
especially at night and work ability even in harsh climate;
good hidden performance, generally passive acceptance of
the information of the target; the ratio of radar and laser de-
tector security and confidentiality, which is not easily dis-
turbed and discovered; compared with radar, its infrared
wavelength is short, can obtain the target image with high
resolution and is more suitable for the target key parts (point
of impact) choice [7].
With the increase of application and detection distance of
various infrared stealth technology, when the imaging sys-
tem and the target distance are far, even if the target itself is
very big, the projection in the image plane becomes a small
target, with size only a few pixels, or even a pixel [8-11].
Because of the requirements of the role of distance, target
with low SNR than the average gray level of clutter is some-
times even higher than the target gray. At the same time, this
kind of application has multi requirements of target detection
with real-time and low false alarm probability. This provides
*Address correspondence to this author at the Shandong Institute of Busi-
ness and Technology, Yantai, Shandong 264005, China;
Tel: 18955169345; E-mail: Huanhai Yang
a dim target detection, causing difficulty in recognition and
tracking [12].
This paper studies wavelet transform infrared image pre-
processing method based on multi resolution analysis of
wavelet transform. The characteristics of suitable small tar-
get infrared image preprocessing, image preprocessing after
background clutter suppression and signal to noise ratio are
observed to be improved. Based on the research background
in infrared image sequences generated with target detection
algorithm based on Kalman filter, the principle of the algo-
rithm is given. Background generation method in time do-
main of the fading recursive least squares method and mov-
ing object extraction method has been used in the experi-
ment. The results show that the algorithm can detect small
target in infrared image target having better effect. On the
basis of pretreatment of small moving target continuity char-
acteristics, the sequence image motion of small target detec-
tion algorithm is studied based on weighted dynamic pro-
gramming while providing a dynamic programming (DP)
algorithm principle and analyzing the direct gray adding
method and dynamic programming based on the likelihood
function (DP) algorithm.
2.1. Current Situation of Infrared Small Target Detection
Small infrared target detection and tracking is one of the
most challenging issues. From the beginning of 1989 [13-
16], SPIE organizes a "small target signal and data pro-
cessing" international conference every year for conducting
small target detection of new technology exchange. The