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在准备TOEFL考试时,听力理解是至关重要的部分,特别是对于那些需要准确捕捉学术对话和生活场景中细节的题目。这篇资料汇总了TOEFL考试中常见的听力场景词组,帮助考生提升理解和应对能力。以下是各个场景下的一些关键词组: 1. 表示开夜车的词组: - Stay up late / be up late - Day in and day out - Around the clock - Burn the midnight oil 2. 表示忙碌的词组: - Be up to one's neck in work - Get my hands full 3. 表示替代的词组: - Fill in for sb. / fills sb.'s shoes (代替某人) 4. 表示提前的词组: - In advance - Be ahead of time - Beforehand 5. 表示冷静的词组: - Cool off - Calm down - Settle - Soothe - Pacify 6. 表示内向的词组: - Keep one's opinions/ideas to oneself - Self-conscious - Shy - Keep to oneself - Unsociable - Uncommunicative - Withdrawn 7. 表示看法的词组: - Think much (little) of (对…评价高/低) - Have no use for / have no taste for - It makes me uncomfortable to (对…感到不适) 8. 表示同意的词组: - You can say that again. - You may well say so. - You said it. - Well said. - I will say - So be it. - I see eye to eye with you. - And how. (表示赞同或强调,通常用降调) - Right on. - By all means. - Go ahead. - I don't wonder. (意为“难怪”) - No/little wonder. (意为“难怪如此”) - So does it. - As far as I know. - No problem. - You're telling me. - Is ice cold? / Does a fish swim? / Does a bird fly? (用作同意的反问) 9. 表示不同意的词组: - You don't say so. - So you say. - Says who? - Who says so? - That's not saying very much. - And do I? - Are you kidding? 10. 表示无法理解的词组: - Beyond reach - Beyond imagination - Above me - Over my head 11. 表示快的词组: - In (next to) no time - Before long - On short notice - By and by - In a little while - In a second/minute 掌握这些词组有助于考生在实际考试中迅速识别并理解说话者的真实意图,从而提高听力理解水平和答题准确性。考生在复习时,可以将这些词组整理成笔记,通过例句练习和情境模拟来加深记忆和运用。同时,结合历年真题和模拟材料,不断实战演练,以确保在真实的TOEFL考试中得心应手。