
需积分: 0 0 下载量 61 浏览量 更新于2023-12-19 收藏 1.58MB PDF 举报
This paper is a summary of the NBA alliance's establishment of four teams and their participation in the 9th China Mathematical Modeling Network Challenge. The address, contact information, and commitment statement for the competition are also included. The commitment statement emphasizes the importance of adhering to the competition rules, including the prohibition of communication with outside parties, the avoidance of plagiarism, and the willingness to accept consequences for rule violations. Additionally, the statement allows for the publication of the team's paper on the Mathematical Modeling Network website for non-commercial purposes. The team number is 2438 and their assigned topic is D1. The summary concludes with an acknowledgement that the information provided is optional and may contribute up to 5% of the overall score for the paper.