Two kinds of double Fano resonances
induced by an asymmetric MIM waveguide
Bing-Hua Zhang, Ling-Ling Wang, Hong-Ju Li, Xiang Zhai and
Sheng-Xuan Xia
School of Physics and Electronic, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, People’s Republic of China
E-mail: kele1110@hnu.edu.cn
Received 22 January 2016
Accepted for publication 2 February 2016
Published 5 April 2016
Asymmetric plasmonic waveguides with a shoulder-coupled rectangle cavity are proposed and
investigated numerically by using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The
symmetry breaking of the structure results in a new discrete mode supported by the cavity. The
extreme interference between two discrete states and an intrinsic wide continuous state gives rise
to novel double Fano resonances with symmetric and anti-symmetric configurations. Coupled-
mode theory (CMT) further confirms that two Fano profiles originate from the different coupling
conditions of the cavity modes with the waveguides. Moreover, the sensing characters are
performed. The Fano responses with the higher sensitivity and figure of merit (FOM) up to 57
are realized. Undoubtedly, the studied structure will play an important role in the nano-integrated
plasmonic devices for optical switching and sensing.
Keywords: plasmonics, Fano resonance, sensor, asymmetry
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)
1. Introduction
Fano resonance initially realized in an atomic system origi-
nates from the quantum interaction between a discrete state
and a continuous state [1]. A Fano-based sharp and asym-
metric line profile has been achieved in classical systems
including metamaterials [2–7] and plasmonic structures [8].
The strong sensitivity of Fano resonance to local media brings
about a high figure of merit (FOM), which promises extensive
applications in optical devices such as sensors [ 9 –11], optical
switches [12 , 13], modulators [14–16], and demultiplexers
[17]. Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), the electromagnetic
waves trapped on metal-dielectric interfaces and coupled to
propagating free electron oscillations in metals, are con-
sidered as a promising method for realizing integrated optical
circuits due to unique properties of overcoming optical dif-
fraction limit and controlling light at the nanoscale. SPPs
supported by the metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide are
widely investigated and applied due to the deep sub-wave-
length optical confinements and low band loss. A great
number of MIM waveguide structures with various resonant
cavities hence have been proposed theoretically and numeri-
cally to realize Fano resonance in the past decades [
The multiple Fano resonances are also realized in the MIM
waveguide structures through the coupling between resonant
cavities and the interference between the multiple modes in a
single cavity [20, 21]. Previous works focus on changing the
parameters of the structure to vary the Fano resonance peaks
but seldom pay attention to the symmetry of the Fano profiles
and how the asymmetric degree of the structure impacts the
sensing property.
In this paper, two kinds of double Fano resonances are
numerically realized in a compact asymmetric plasmonic
system, which consists of a rectangle insulator cavity with
two half-infinite long MIM waveguides connecting on the
two sides of it. By altering independently the vertical posi-
tions of two waveguides to breaking the structure symmetry,
both symmetric and anti-symmetric waveguide modes can be
excited. Due to the interaction of the symmetric and anti-
symmetric waveguide modes, the transmission spectrum
Journal of Optics
J. Opt. 18 (2016) 065001 (7pp ) doi:10.1088/2040-8978/18/6/065001
2040-8978/16/065001+07$33.00 © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK1