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"嵌入式系统架构对于敏捷开发至关重要,因为它们需要在快速变化的需求和迭代中保持稳定和高效。Mohsen Mirtalebi提出的层次化模型为实现这一目标提供了指导。这种架构方法强调模块化和分层设计,以促进敏捷开发中的可扩展性和灵活性。" 在设计高效的嵌入式系统以适应敏捷开发时,有几个关键知识点需要考虑: 1. **层次化设计**:基于层的架构模型将系统分解为多个独立的、功能相关的层,每个层都有明确的责任和接口。这种方法允许在不干扰其他层的情况下修改或更新单个层,从而提高敏捷性。 2. **模块化**:模块化是嵌入式系统设计的基础,它允许代码复用和独立测试。每个模块应具有清晰的输入、输出和接口,以支持敏捷开发中的快速迭代和重构。 3. **硬件-软件分离**:在敏捷环境中,硬件和软件通常需要并行开发。设计时,应确保硬件接口的抽象,使软件开发可以在硬件准备就绪之前进行,反之亦然。 4. **实时操作系统(RTOS)**:选择或定制适合敏捷开发的RTOS是关键。RTOS应支持多任务、调度策略以及实时性,以满足敏捷开发中频繁的部署和更新需求。 5. **敏捷方法论应用**:采用Scrum、Kanban等敏捷框架来管理嵌入式项目,可以提高响应速度,通过短周期的迭代和频繁的反馈,及时调整系统设计。 6. **测试驱动开发(TDD)**:在嵌入式系统中,测试是确保质量和敏捷性的核心。TDD鼓励先编写测试用例,然后编写满足这些测试的代码,确保系统的健壮性和可维护性。 7. **持续集成与持续交付(CI/CD)**:建立自动化构建和测试流程,以实现快速验证和部署。这有助于减少手动干预,加速反馈循环,并减少错误。 8. **软件定义的硬件**:在某些情况下,使用软件定义的硬件可以增加灵活性,使系统能在硬件不变的情况下适应软件变更。 9. **版本控制系统**:使用Git等版本控制工具,便于团队协作,跟踪代码更改历史,便于回溯和分支管理。 10. **文档与沟通**:尽管敏捷强调轻量级文档,但清晰的接口规范和团队间的有效沟通仍然至关重要,以确保所有成员对系统架构有共同理解。 以上是嵌入式系统在敏捷开发中所涉及的关键知识点,通过这些方法,开发者可以构建出既能快速适应变化,又能保持稳定性能的嵌入式系统。
2019-02-22 上传
以大白话的方式介绍嵌入式系统架构,基于ARM Cortex-M,很适合在学习嵌入式LINUX之前用来了解嵌入式系统开发的背景知识。 Learn to design and develop safe and reliable embedded systems Key Features Identify and overcome challenges in embedded environments Understand the steps required to increase the security of IoT solutions Build safety-critical and memory-safe parallel and distributed embedded systems Book Description Embedded systems are self-contained devices with a dedicated purpose. We come across a variety of fields of applications for embedded systems in industries such as automotive, telecommunications, healthcare and consumer electronics, just to name a few. Embedded Systems Architecture begins with a bird's eye view of embedded development and how it differs from the other systems that you may be familiar with. You will first be guided to set up an optimal development environment, then move on to software tools and methodologies to improve the work flow. You will explore the boot-up mechanisms and the memory management strategies typical of a real-time embedded system. Through the analysis of the programming interface of the reference microcontroller, you'll look at the implementation of the features and the device drivers. Next, you'll learn about the techniques used to reduce power consumption. Then you will be introduced to the technologies, protocols and security aspects related to integrating the system into IoT solutions. By the end of the book, you will have explored various aspects of embedded architecture, including task synchronization in a multi-threading environment, and the safety models adopted by modern real-time operating systems. What you will learn Participate in the design and definition phase of an embedded product Get to grips with writing code for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers Build an embedded development lab and optimize the workflow Write memory-safe code Understand the architecture behind the communication interfaces Understand the design an