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Based on the document "Design of Single Chip Microcontroller-based Power Grid Data Acquisition System", the purpose of this project is to develop a real-time online monitoring system for voltage fluctuations in order to prevent errors or damages to high voltage appliances and devices in households and laboratories. The core controlling component of the system is the SPCE061A single chip microcontroller from Lingyang, which is responsible for controlling the voltage acquisition process.
The system utilizes a Hall voltage sensor to collect data from the 220V, 50Hz voltage signal. The collected signal undergoes conditioning and filtering through voltage conditioning circuits and filters to obtain a DC voltage signal suitable for the single chip microcontroller. The sampled signal is then analyzed and processed, comparing the results with a set reference value, and delivering real-time output through LED indicators.
This design incorporates various fields such as linguistics, computer science, signal processing, and analog-to-digital conversion. It has extensive applications in coal mines, production manufacturing, and other industries. The technology used in this design shows great potential and wide-ranging prospects.
Keywords: single chip microcontroller, fluctuations, monitoring, data acquisition, filtering.
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