4 Rec. ITU-T G.8260 (2015)/Amd.2 (11/2018)
NOTE – In the case of a periodic packet timing signal (used for one-way frequency distribution), the event
packets enter the network from the packet master clock at regular intervals, such that the master's timing
information is implied from the nominal frequency of the packets.
3.1.12 packet network timing function (PNT-F): The set of functions within the inter-working
function (IWF) that supports the synchronization network clock domain (see Figure B.2 of
[ITU-T G.8261]). This includes the function to recover and distribute the timing carried by the
synchronization network. The PNT-F clocks may be part of the IWF or may be part of any other
network element in the packet network.
When the PNT-Fs are part of the IWF, they may support the CES IWF or change the layer over
which timing is carried (i.e., from packet to physical layer and vice versa).
3.1.13 packet slave clock: A clock whose timing output is frequency locked or phase aligned or
time aligned to one or more reference packet timing signals exchanged with a higher quality clock.
3.1.14 packet timing monitor: A device capable of analysing the packet flow [e.g., precision time
protocol (PTP)] including precise measurement of the sending times and arrival times of timing
event messages utilizing an accurate, stable clock. A tapped monitor does not substantively impact
the transmission of packets between the communicating clocks; an in-line monitor introduces a
fixed, symmetric, delay for packets in the two directions of transmission and thereby does not
substantively impact the transfer of timing between the communicating clocks.
3.1.15 packet timing signal: A signal, consisting of a series of event packets or frames, that is
used to convey timing information from a packet master clock to a packet slave clock.
Event packets in a packet timing signal may travel from a packet master clock to a packet slave
clock or vice versa, but the flow of timing information is always in the direction from master to
The significant instants of the packet timing signal are measured relative to the master's local time
scale as they pass the master's timing reference point, and these measurements are communicated to
the packet slave clock.
The significant instants of the packet timing signal are also measured relative to the slave's local
time scale as they pass the slave's timing reference point.
NOTE 1 – The significant instants of the signal are the set of times that a defined location in each event
packet or frame passes a given reference point in the network (e.g., the interface between the packet master
clock and the network). Conventionally the defined location is the end of the start-of-frame delimiter, but it
may be defined differently in any given packet timing protocol provided the definition is consistent.
NOTE 2 – In the case of a periodic packet timing signal, the master's timing information is implied from the
nominal frequency of the packets.
3.1.16 phase synchronization: This term implies that all associated nodes have access to
reference timing signals whose significant events occur at the same instant (within the relevant
phase accuracy requirement). In other words, the term refers to the process of aligning clocks with
respect to phase (phase alignment). This is shown in Figure 2.
NOTE 1 – Phase synchronization includes compensation for delay between the (common) source and the
associated nodes.
NOTE 2 – This term might also include the notion of frame timing (i.e., the point in time when the timeslot
of an outgoing frame is to be generated).
NOTE 3 – The concept of phase synchronization (phase alignment) should not be confused with the concept
of phase locking, where a fixed phase offset is allowed to be arbitrary and unknown. Phase alignment implies
that this phase offset is nominally zero. Two signals which are phase locked are implicitly frequency
synchronized. Phase alignment and phase lock both imply that the time error between any pair of associated
nodes is bounded.