
0 下载量 151 浏览量 更新于2023-12-26 收藏 762KB PPTX 举报
In "Supply Chain Management, Human Resource Management.pptx", the content within the Clearing and Settlement Center of Financial Services, Public Transport Services, and the Market for Specialized Trading Markets for Public Trading Markets and Specialized Trading Markets in Enterprises involves the management of various aspects such as Supply Chain Management, Human Resource Management, CRM, and SCM. The project emphasizes the importance of strategic planning, execution, and optimization in supply chain management, with a focus on the three levels of supply chain system design including strategic planning, tactical planning, and operational optimization. The strategic plan involves partner selection, supply chain and logistics network design, and individual node enterprise work design. The tactical plan includes inventory strategy, distribution channel, and transportation and shipping solution selection. The operational optimization includes order and job planning, synchronized manufacturing (production), and just-in-time logistics. Overall, the project highlights the critical role of supply chain management in the efficient and effective coordination and integration of various business operations for maximum profitability and customer satisfaction.