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anager system, the problem mentioned above still exists. This design will use the B/S structure of the WEB application system, using JSP as the development tool, MYSQL as the database platform, and seamlessly connect with the original C/S system's MYSQL database, appropriately adding and modifying tables to allow for upgrades based on the original system, truly achieving the hotel's paperless, electronic information, and distance-free reservation of guest room information. Keywords: JSP, B/S, hotel reservation, database IIIINTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Significance With the rapid development of the Internet, online hotel reservation systems have become increasingly popular. This system not only provides convenience for customers to book hotel rooms anytime and anywhere, but also brings efficiency and flexibility to hotel management. The traditional C/S structure of hotel management system is gradually being replaced by the more flexible and accessible B/S structure. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to design and develop a WEB-based hotel reservation system. 1.2 Structure and Arrangement of the Thesis This thesis consists of the following sections: - Development Technology Introduction - Requirements Analysis - Feasibility Analysis - Function Analysis - Business Process Analysis - Database Design - ER Diagram - Data Dictionary - Data Flow Diagram - Detailed Design - System Screenshots - Testing - Conclusion - Acknowledgements - References IVDEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY INTRODUCTION The development of this system is based on the JSP technology, which is a widely used tool for developing dynamic web pages. The backend database is MySQL, a popular open-source relational database management system. The combination of these technologies ensures the stability and flexibility of the system. VREQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS This section analyzes the functional and non-functional requirements of the online hotel reservation system. It covers the essential features that the system needs to have, such as user registration, room reservation, payment processing, and system security. VIFEAISBILITY ANALYSIS The feasibility analysis evaluates the technical, operational, and economic feasibility of the system. It examines whether the system can be implemented with the available technology and resources, as well as the potential benefits and risks associated with its development. VIIFUNCTION ANALYSIS The function analysis section delves into the specific functions and modules of the hotel reservation system. It outlines the features and capabilities that the system will provide to both users and administrators, such as room availability checks, booking cancellations, and reporting functionalities. VIIIBUSINESS PROCESS ANALYSIS This section details the workflows and processes involved in the hotel reservation system. It describes how users will interact with the system, from browsing available rooms to completing a booking, as well as how administrators will manage and maintain the system. IXDATABASE DESIGN The database design section outlines the structure and relationships of the system's database. It includes entity-relationship (ER) diagrams, data dictionaries, and data flow diagrams to depict the organization and flow of data within the system. XDETAILED DESIGN The detailed design section offers a comprehensive overview of the system's architecture and interfaces. It includes system screenshots and descriptions of the user interface, as well as the underlying components and technologies used in the system's development. XISYSTEM SCREENSHOTS This section provides visual representations of the system's user interface and functionality. It includes screenshots of key features and processes, such as the room reservation process, user account management, and payment processing. XII TESTING The testing section examines the methods and results of testing the system's functionality and performance. It includes unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing to ensure that the system meets its requirements and specifications. XIIICONCLUSION The conclusion offers a summary of the system's development process and its potential impact on hotel management. It reflects on the achievements and challenges encountered in the system's design and development, as well as potential future enhancements. XIVACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The acknowledgements section expresses gratitude to individuals and organizations that have contributed to the development of the online hotel reservation system. It acknowledges the support and guidance received during the research and development process. XVREFERENCES The references section lists the sources and materials cited in the thesis, providing readers with access to additional information and resources related to the design and development of web-based hotel reservation systems.