Fig. 2. Call in a WDM switch.
NB2) modularize AWGs;
NB3) scale down the conversion range of TWCs;
NB4) and reuse the same wavelength set in the recursive
construction of the network to reduce the wavelength
The objective NB1 is consistent with the RNB condition of the
traditional Clos networks, while
are additional
requirements for WDM-based Clos networks.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,
we briefly introduce the function of the AWGs and TWCs and
show how a WDM switching network can be constructed from
the combination of AWGs and TWCs. In Section III, we con-
struct a three-stage AWG-based Clos network, based on the
non-blocking and contention-free principle of WDM switches.
We present the routing algorithm of this network and show that
the network is fully utilized if all input and output wavelength
channels are busy. Section IV proposes a recursive construction
scheme to achieve the scalability of AWG-based Clos networks.
We show that this scheme scales down the AWGs and substan-
tially reduces wavelength granularity of the network and, thus,
the conversion range of the TWCs. Section V concludes this
paper with a comparison of our results to previous results.
In this paper, we study the wavelength-based
model [9]. The WDM switch under consideration is illustrated
in Fig. 2. This switch has
input ports and output ports,
and each input port and each output port ca
wavelengths, respectively. Thus, the dimension of this
WDM switching network is ,where is the
number of input (output) wavelength
channels. The input ports
are numbered by
from the top to the bottom.
The set of wavelengths carried by the input port
is denoted
,for . Similarl
y, the output ports are
labeled by , and the set of wavelengths associated
with output port is denoted as for .
Furthermore, without loss
of generality, we assume that input
wavelength sets are all the same, (i.e.,
), and the output
wavelength sets are all the same (i.e., ).
denote the
input channel at the input port
ried by the wavelength
,and be the output
channel at the output port carried by the wavelength .
As illustrated by
the dotted line in Fig. 2, a call
the WDM switch is defined as a connection between the input
and the output channel . This paper
Fig. 3. 3 4 AWG and its routing table.
focuses on the AWG-based WDM switches with RNB proper-
ties, meaning that a call can always be established between an
idle input channel
and an idle output channel
with possible rearrangements of existing connections. To facili-
tate our discussion, we first describe the functions of AWG and
TWC in a WDM switch.
AWG is associated with a set of equally spaced
in its principal FSR, where
. The AWG has a cyclic wavelength routing
property: The signal carried by the wavelength at input
will be forwarded to output if
or equivalently
. From (2), it is easy to see that each
input port of the AWG is associated with a wavelength subset
.Let be the wavelength subset associated with the th
input port, where . According to (2), we have
Similarly, let be the wavelength subset associated with the
th output port, where .Wehave
It is clear that .Wehaveshown
in [2] that such wavelength assignment of the AWGs is con-
tention-free. As an example, t
he wavelength assignments of the
4 AWG shown in Fig. 3 are tabulated in a contention-free
routing table, in which the output port 2 is associated with the
wavelength subset
. For a symmetric AWG,
the routing table is a Latin square.
AWG provides a set of fixed interconnection
channels between its i
nput ports and output ports via a group
wavelengths [2]. For example, the 12 interconnection
channels between the inputs and the outputs of a 3 4AWG
. Larger AWGs can provide much richer
interconnection channels. However, the results in [6] show
that the AWG with a large port count suffers serious coherent