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This article presents the design and simulation of a lookup table-based calculator using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. With the development of the economy in China, there is a growing demand for more efficient, simple, and convenient methods of calculation. Therefore, the design of calculators is of paramount importance. To achieve better design, this study utilizes FPGA technology and implements simulation using Hardware Description Language (HDL) VHDL in Altera's Quartus II software.
The system is composed of four main parts: the calculation unit, storage unit, display unit, and input unit. The calculation unit includes an adder, subtractor, multiplier, and divider. The storage unit consists of three memory units: the internal accumulator (acc), input register (reg), and result register (ans). The display unit is made up of four seven-segment displays to show input numbers. The input unit includes an external keyboard with ten digit keys (0-9), four arithmetic operation keys (add, subtract, multiply, divide), an equal sign key, and a clear key, allowing for simple arithmetic operations within four digits.
The structure of the calculator is simple and easy to implement. By using external keys, users can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations within four digits. This design offers a convenient and efficient way of performing basic arithmetic calculations.
Keywords: FPGA; VHDL; calculator.
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