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SYSML概述 SYSML,全称为OMG系统建模语言™(OMGSysML®),是Object Management Group (OMG)开发的一种高级图形建模语言,旨在支持系统工程领域的复杂系统设计和管理。它扩展了UML2(统一建模语言)的基础,专注于系统层面的需求、行为、结构和参数建模,特别适用于硬件、软件、信息、人员、程序和设施等多方面的系统集成。SysML的设计目标是满足UML for Systems Engineering RFP中的规范,该RFP是由OMG和国际系统工程理事会(INCOSE)共同制定的,旨在提升系统工程领域的模型化精确性和协作效率。 SysML的特点在于其图形表示方式,提供了丰富的语义基础,使得系统需求、系统架构、动态行为和交互能够清晰地可视化。它利用OMG XML元数据交换(XMI®)技术,实现了不同建模工具之间的数据共享和标准化,这对于跨团队合作和项目管理至关重要。此外,SysML还致力于与ISO 10303-233系统工程数据交换标准保持兼容,以促进行业内的标准化实践。 与传统的UML相比,SysML特别关注系统工程领域的需求,例如支持更复杂的系统级概念和模型,如组件、接口、行为模型、系统动态视图等。这使得系统工程师能够更有效地与各种利益相关者沟通,如软件工程师、电气工程师、机械工程师以及客户,提高了项目的整体协调性和一致性。 SysML的发展历程始于2003年,由Cris Kobryn领导的SysML Partners发起,这是一个由系统工程专家和软件建模工具专家组成的非正式联盟。Kobryn凭借在UML设计上的丰富经验,响应了OMG发布的系统工程UML RFP,并在2006年7月6日成功推出了OMGSysML的第一版,后续版本不断迭代完善,直至v1.0的发布。 SysML作为一种通用的系统工程建模语言,已经成为MBSE(基于模型的系统工程)实践中的事实标准,通过提供更为专业和精细的系统模型,极大地促进了系统设计和管理的效率和质量。
2019-08-29 上传
Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML™) 1.6.pdf The purpose of this International Standard is to specify the Systems Modeling Language (SysML), a general-purpose modeling language for systems engineering. Its intent is to specify the language so that systems engineering modelers may learn to apply and use SysML; modeling tool vendors may implement and support SysML; and both can provide feedback to improve future versions. Note that a definition of “system” and “systems engineering” can be found inISO/ IEC 15288. SysML reuses a subset of UML 2.5 and provides additional extensions to address the requirements in UML for SE. SysML uses the UML 2.5 extension mechanisms as further elaborated in Clause 17 as the primary mechanism to specify the extensions to UML 2.5. This revision of SysML relies on several new features incorporated into UML 2.5. Any use of the term “UML 2” or “UML” in this specification, unless otherwise noted, will refer to UML 2.5 in general and the UML 2.5 specification in particular. Since SysML uses UML 2.5 as its foundation, systems engineers modeling with SysML and software engineers modeling with UML 2.5 will be able to collaborate on models of software-intensive systems. This will improve communication among the various stakeholders who participate in the systems development process and promote interoperability among modeling tools. It is anticipated that SysML will be customized to model domain-specific applications, such as automotive, aerospace, communication, and information systems. SysML is designed to provide simple but powerful constructs for modeling a wide range of systems engineering problems. It is particularly effective in specifying requirements, structure, behavior, allocations, and constraints on system properties to support engineering analysis. The language is intended to support multiple processes and methods such as structured, object-oriented, and others, but each methodology may impose additional constraints