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In the 2006 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English (subject code: 201), strict guidelines were provided for the candidates. Before answering the questions, candidates were required to fill in their identification number and name on the designated locations in the question booklet. On the answer sheet, they had to fill in their examination unit, name, and identification number, and mark the identification number information point. Additionally, candidates were instructed to detach the "test paper barcode" from the question booklet and paste it in the designated location on the answer sheet. Failure to adhere to this procedure could result in consequences for the evaluation of the exam.
For the multiple-choice questions, candidates had to mark their answers on the answer sheet corresponding to the question number. For non-multiple-choice questions, answers had to be written within the designated border area on the answer sheet. Answers written outside of this area would be considered invalid, as well as answering on scratch paper or the question booklet. Candidates were instructed to use a black pen for filling in and writing sections, ensuring clear and neat handwriting, and a 2B pencil for shading sections.
At the end of the examination, candidates were required to submit both the answer sheet and question booklet according to the regulations provided. The strict procedures and guidelines outlined in the 2006 English Postgraduate Entrance Examination aimed to ensure fairness and accuracy in the evaluation of candidates' English proficiency. Candidates were reminded of the importance of following the instructions carefully and accurately filling in all necessary information to prevent any issues during the examination process.
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