C# 5.0 in a Nutshell, Fifth Edition: 精要指南

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"C# in a Nutshell, 5th Edition.pdf 是一本关于C# 5.0的英文版技术书籍,由Joseph Albahari和Ben Albahari合著。本书以其简洁明了、条理清晰的写作风格,帮助读者快速理解和掌握C#的新特性,同时对已知知识提供新的洞见。此书由O'Reilly Media, Inc.出版,并可在www.allitebooks.com找到。" 《C# 5.0 in a Nutshell》第五版深入介绍了C#编程语言的各个方面,特别关注C# 5.0引入的新功能。C# 5.0是一个重要的更新,其中包含了一些关键特性,如异步编程支持(async/await关键字)、动态类型增强、更好的LINQ支持以及更强大的类型系统改进。 本书的作者Joseph Albahari和Ben Albahari是C#领域的权威专家,他们在书中详细讨论了以下几个核心主题: 1. **基础语法**:涵盖了C#的基本语法结构,包括变量、常量、运算符、控制流(条件语句、循环)以及异常处理。 2. **类与对象**:深入探讨面向对象编程的核心概念,如类、对象、继承、多态性和接口。 3. **泛型**:详细阐述了泛型的概念,如何创建和使用泛型类、接口和方法,以及它们在实现类型安全和代码重用中的作用。 4. **LINQ(Language Integrated Query)**:详细介绍了C#中的查询表达式,包括如何使用LINQ进行数据库查询、XML处理和集合操作。 5. **异步编程**:重点讲解了C# 5.0引入的异步编程模型,包括async和await关键字,以及如何利用这些新特性编写非阻塞I/O密集型和计算密集型应用。 6. **动态类型**:讨论了dynamic关键字的使用,允许在运行时绑定成员,为交互式脚本和COM互操作提供了便利。 7. **多线程和并发**:涵盖了线程管理、锁和同步原语,以及.NET框架提供的并行处理库Task Parallel Library (TPL)。 8. **元数据和反射**:解释了.NET的元数据系统以及如何通过反射动态地访问类型和对象。 9. **Windows Phone和Windows Store应用程序开发**:可能涉及如何使用C#构建针对这些平台的应用程序,包括UI设计和API使用。 10. **调试和性能优化**:提供了调试技巧和性能分析方法,帮助开发者找出并修复代码瓶颈。 此外,本书还包含了丰富的示例代码和实用的提示,旨在帮助读者将理论知识转化为实际开发能力。附录中可能还包含了C#语言规范的详细参考,以及对.NET Framework的重要组件和服务的概述。 这本书适合有一定C#基础的开发者阅读,无论是想了解C# 5.0的新特性,还是希望深化对C#语言整体理解的程序员,都能从中受益。通过阅读《C# 5.0 in a Nutshell》,读者可以提升自己的编程技能,更好地适应现代软件开发的需求。
2012-07-10 上传
Book Description When you have a question about C# 5.0 or the .NET CLR, this bestselling guide has precisely the answers you need. Uniquely organized around concepts and use cases, this updated fifth edition features a reorganized section on concurrency, threading, and parallel programming—including in-depth coverage of C# 5.0’s new asynchronous functions. Shaped by more than 20 expert reviewers, including Microsoft’s Eric Lippert, Stephen Toub, Chris Burrows, and Jon Skeet, this book has all you need to stay on track with C# 5.0. It’s widely known as the definitive reference on the language. Get up to speed on C# language basics, including syntax, types, and variables Explore advanced topics such as unsafe code and type variance Dig deep into LINQ via three chapters dedicated to the topic Learn about code contracts, dynamic programming, and parallel programming Work with .NET features, including reflection, assemblies, memory management, security, I/O, XML, collections, networking, and native interoperability “C# 5.0 in a Nutshell is one of the few books I keep on my desk as a quick reference.” —Scott Guthrie, Microsoft “Whether you’re a novice programmer or an expert who wants to improve your knowledge of modern asynchronous programming techniques, this book has the information you need to get the job done in C#.” —Eric Lippert, Microsoft Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introducing C# and the .NET Framework Chapter 2. C# Language Basics Chapter 3. Creating Types in C# Chapter 4. Advanced C# Chapter 5. Framework Overview Chapter 6. Framework Fundamentals Chapter 7. Collections Chapter 8. LINQ Queries Chapter 9. LINQ Operators Chapter 10. LINQ to XML Chapter 11. Other XML Technologies Chapter 12. Disposal and Garbage Collection Chapter 13. Diagnostics and Code Contracts Chapter 14. Concurrency & Asynchrony Chapter 15. Streams and I/O Chapter 16. Networking Chapter 17. Serialization Chapter 18. Assemblies Chapter 19. Reflection and Metadata Chapter 20. Dynamic Programming Chapter 21. Security Chapter 22. Advanced Threading Chapter 23. Parallel Programming Chapter 24. Application Domains Chapter 25. Native and COM Interoperability Chapter 26. Regular Expressions