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-based on Unity3D Pet Hospital Simulation Game Design and Implementation.docx is a research paper that focuses on the development of a simulation game that simulates the operations of a pet hospital. The paper highlights the increasing number of people who own pets such as cats and dogs, which inevitably leads to various problems and challenges in pet care and health management.
In today's society, playing games has become a primary source of entertainment and relaxation for many people. Simulation games, in particular, can provide both entertainment and educational value by allowing players to learn new knowledge and skills while having fun. While simulation games cannot replace formal education, they can still serve as an effective educational tool.
Unity3D is a popular game development engine that allows developers to create both 2D and 3D games and deploy them on multiple platforms. However, there is currently a lack of simulation games focusing on educating players about pet diseases. This research paper aims to fill this gap by developing a pet hospital simulation game that not only entertains players but also educates them about pet diseases and health management.
The paper primarily focuses on the use of the Ngui plugin for designing the game's flow and implementing various features. By documenting the development process and sharing insights, the paper aims to provide guidance and inspiration for developers looking to create similar simulation games. The key focus keywords in the paper include Unity3D, Pet Hospital, and Simulation Game. Through this research paper, readers can gain a better understanding of the process involved in developing a simulation game and the potential impact it can have on educating players about pet health issues.
200 浏览量
113 浏览量
2023-09-08 上传
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