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一次。这可以防止多个线程同时访问共享资源,从而避免数据不一致的问题。在Java中,可以使用synchronized关键字或者Lock接口来实现同步。 Question: What is the difference between sleep() and wait() method?Answer: The sleep() method is a static method of the Thread class, which is used to pause the execution of the current thread for a specified amount of time. During this time, the thread will not release the lock it holds. On the other hand, the wait() method is a method of the Object class, which is used to pause the execution of the current thread and release the lock it holds. The thread can only be resumed when another thread calls the notify() or notifyAll() method on the same object. Question: What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions?Answer: Checked exceptions are the exceptions that are checked by the compiler at compile time. This means that the compiler will force the programmer to either handle the checked exception using a try-catch block or declare it in the method signature using the throws keyword. Examples of checked exceptions include IOException and SQLException. On the other hand, unchecked exceptions are the exceptions that are not checked by the compiler at compile time. This means that it is not mandatory for the programmer to handle or declare unchecked exceptions. Examples of unchecked exceptions include NullPointerException and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Question: What is method overloading in Java?Answer: Method overloading in Java refers to the situation where a class has multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. The compiler determines which method to call based on the arguments passed to it. Method overloading is used to provide different ways of calling a method with different parameter combinations. It is a form of polymorphism in Java. Question: What is method overriding in Java?Answer: Method overriding in Java refers to the situation where a subclass provides its own implementation of a method that is already defined in its superclass. The method in the subclass must have the same name, return type, and parameters as the method in the superclass. Method overriding is used to achieve runtime polymorphism in Java. 以上是对文件"Java英文面试题经典.docx"中的几个问题的回答和解释。该文件包含了一些经典的Java面试题,涵盖了Java的基础知识和一些常见的面试考点。这些问题涉及了Java的序列化、容器布局、线程同步、异常处理、方法重载和方法覆盖等方面的知识。这份资料仅供参考,可以帮助读者准备Java面试或巩固Java基础知识。
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