GPU加速的Bakery Lightmapper 1.8:物理正确光照烘焙工具

需积分: 33 21 下载量 186 浏览量 更新于2024-08-26 3 收藏 141B TXT 举报
"Bakery-GPU Lightmapper 1.8 是一个针对Unity 3D引擎的高级灯光烘焙系统,利用GPU进行光线跟踪,提供物理正确的烘焙光照效果,并且支持多种光源类型、材质特性以及光照探针等高级功能。" Bakery-GPU Lightmapper 1.8 是一款强大的Unity光照烘焙工具,它设计的目标是提供高度真实的光照效果,同时优化烘焙过程的性能。通过使用GPU来执行光线跟踪,这款工具能够显著提高烘焙效率,特别是在处理复杂的光照环境时。它支持RTX硬件加速,为拥有NVIDIA RTX显卡的用户提供了额外的性能提升。此外,配合NVidia AI Denoiser,可以有效地减少烘焙过程中产生的噪点,利用深度学习技术来实现平滑、清晰的烘焙结果。 此系统修复了常见的烘焙问题,如光照泄漏和UV接缝,确保烘焙后的场景具有高质量的视觉效果。全局光照的支持允许开发者自定义着色器,适应各种不同的光照环境。天空光照功能可以接受HDRI或纯色输入,模拟出更为真实的世界照明。 Bakery-GPU Lightmapper 1.8 支持不同类型的光源,包括定向光、点光源和聚光灯,同时也支持发射性纹理网格,可以将纹理中的光源信息纳入烘焙计算。IES(Illumination Engineering Society)光线功能则可以导入真实世界灯具的光照数据,进一步增强光照的真实感。 在材质方面,该工具支持反射率、自发光和镂空材质,使得模型的光照表现更加丰富。烘焙过程中,可以生成完整的光照贴图以及间接光照贴图,甚至可以为每个光照单独生成混合光照贴图,从而实现更为细致的光照控制。同时,它还能生成阴影遮蔽蒙版,帮助处理场景中的阴影效果。 在场景管理和优化方面,Bakery-GPU Lightmapper 1.8 支持Mesh Renderer、蒙皮网格和Terrain的烘焙,适应各种类型的游戏对象。LOD(Level of Detail)的支持意味着它可以处理不同级别的细节,以适应不同距离下的视觉需求。烘焙预设功能则使得开发者可以快速应用和保存光照设置,提高工作效率。 此外,该系统还具备光照探针功能,用于捕获环境光照并在场景中动态插值,实现更精细的局部光照效果。自动图集打包则有助于减少纹理内存占用,提升游戏性能。所有这些特性都旨在为Unity开发者提供一套全面且高效的烘焙解决方案,帮助他们创建出更为逼真的游戏世界。 Bakery-GPU Lightmapper 1.8 是一款针对Unity 3D开发者的强大工具,它结合了GPU加速、AI降噪和一系列高级光照特性,为游戏和虚拟现实项目提供了高质量的光照烘焙体验。
1135 浏览量 Bakery is a high-end, production-ready, hassle-free GPU lightmapper, designed as an alternative to Enlighten and Progressive. NOTE: Requires modern Nvidia GPU (6xx or newer) and 64-bit Windows (7 or higher). Doesn't support AMD cards for baking. Doesn't support Macs. Tested on everything from Unity 5.6 to 2019.3.4. Resulting lightmaps are compatible with all platforms. Manual - make sure you read FAQ Forum thread Features: - Physically correct baked lighting. All results were compared against Mitsuba offline renderer. - Performance: uses GPU for ray-tracing. - Can take advantage of (but not requires) RTX hardware. - Uses NVidia AI Denoiser to remove noise, powered by deep learning. - Fixes common baking artifacts, such as lighting leaks and UV seams. - Global Illumination (supports custom shaders). - Sky lighting (HDRI or color). - Emissive textured meshes. - IES Lights. - Directional, point, spot light sources. - Materials: supports albedo, emissive, opacity. - Can produce both complete and indirect lightmaps, or even mix both per-light. - Can produce shadowmasks. - Supports directional baking (bump/specular) with 4 modes: dominant direction (compatible with most shaders), Radiosity Normal Mapping, per-pixel spherical harmonics, as well as simply baking normal maps to diffuse. - Selective render is supported. - Light probes. - Automatic atlas packing. - Supports Mesh Renderers, Skinned Meshes and Terrains. - Supports LODs. - Supports baked prefabs. - Real-time ray traced preview can be additionally installed. Some notable games shipped using Bakery: Call of Duty Mobile Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Dead and Buried II ... and many more!