b. Utilities. The software contains certain components that are identified in the Utilities List
located at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=524839. Depending on the specific edition of the
software, the number of Utility files you receive with the software may not be equal to the number of
Utilities listed in the Utilities List. Except as otherwise provided on the Utilities List for specific files,
you may copy and install the Utilities you receive with the software on to other third party machines.
These Utilities may only be used to debug and deploy your programs and databases you have
developed with the software. You must delete all the Utilities installed onto a third party machine
within the earlier of (i) when you have finished debugging or deploying your programs; or (ii) thirty
(30) days after installation of the Utilities onto that machine. We may add additional files to this list
from time to time.
c. Build Services and Enterprise Build Servers. You may install and use any number of copies of
the software onto your build machines or servers, solely for the purpose of:
i. Compiling, building, verifying and archiving your programs;
ii. Creating and configuring build systems internal to your organization to support your internal
build environment; or
iii. Enabling a service for third parties to design, develop and test programs or services that run
on a Microsoft operating system.
d. Included Microsoft Programs. The software contains other Microsoft programs. The license
terms with those programs apply to your use of them.
e. Third Party Notices. The software may include third party code that Microsoft, not the third
party, licenses to you under this agreement. Notices, if any, for the third party code are included for
your information only. Notices, if any, for this third party code are included with the software and
may be located at http://aka.ms/thirdpartynotices.
a. Distributable Code. The software contains code that you are permitted to distribute in
programs you develop if you comply with the terms below.
i. Right to Use and Distribute. The code and test files listed below are “Distributable Code”.
• REDIST.TXT Files. You may copy and distribute the object code form of code listed in
REDIST.TXT files plus the files listed on the REDIST.TXT list located at
http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=524842. Depending on the specific edition of the software,
the number of REDIST files you receive with the software may not be equal to the number of REDIST
files listed in the REDIST.TXT List. We may add additional files to the list from time to time.