Figure 2: Taxonomy of adversarial attacks to deep neural
networks (DNNs). “Back propagation” means an attacker
can access the internal congurations in DNNs (e.g., per-
forming gradient descent), and “Query” means an attacker
can input any sample and observe the corresponding output.
successfully bypass 10 dierent detections methods designed for
detecting adversarial examples [7].
• Transferability:
In the context of adversarial attacks, transfer-
ability means that the adversarial examples generated from one
model are also very likely to be misclassied by another model.
In particular, the aforementioned adversarial attacks have demon-
strated that their adversarial examples are highly transferable from
one DNN at hand to the targeted DNN. One possible explanation
of inherent attack transferability for DNNs lies in the ndings that
DNNs commonly have overwhelming generalization power and lo-
cal linearity for feature extraction [
]. Notably, the transferability
of adversarial attacks brings about security concerns for machine
learning applications based on DNNs, as malicious examples may
be easily crafted even when the exact parameters of a targeted DNN
are absent. More interestingly, the authors in [
] have shown that
a carefully crafted universal perturbation to a set of natural im-
ages can lead to misclassication of all considered images with
high probability, suggesting the possibility of attack transferability
from one image to another. Further analysis and justication of a
universal perturbation is given in [30].
1.2 Black-box attacks and substitute models
While the denition of an open-box (white-box) attack to DNNs is
clear and precise - having complete knowledge and allowing full
access to a targeted DNN, the denition of a “black-box” attack
to DNNs may vary in terms of the capability of an attacker. In an
attacker’s perspective, a black-box attack may refer to the most
challenging case where only benign images and their class labels
are given, but the targeted DNN is completely unknown, and one is
prohibited from querying any information from the targeted classi-
er for adversarial attacks. This restricted setting, which we call a
“no-box” attack setting, excludes the principal adversarial attacks
introduced in Section 1.1, as they all require certain knowledge
and back propagation from the targeted DNN. Consequently, under
this no-box setting the research focus is mainly on the attack trans-
ferability from one self-trained DNN to a targeted but completely
access-prohibited DNN.
On the other hand, in many scenarios an attacker does have the
privilege to query a targeted DNN in order to obtain useful informa-
tion for crafting adversarial examples. For instance, a mobile app or
a computer software featuring image classication (mostly likely
trained by DNNs) allows an attacker to input any image at will and
acquire classication results, such as the condence scores or rank-
ing for classication. An attacker can then leverage the acquired
classication results to design more eective adversarial examples
to fool the targeted classier. In this setting, back propagation for
gradient computation of the targeted DNN is still prohibited, as
back propagation requires the knowledge of internal congurations
of a DNN that are not available in the black-box setting. However,
the adversarial query process can be iterated multiple times until an
attacker nds a satisfactory adversarial example. For instance, the
authors in [
] have demonstrated a successful black-box adversar-
ial attack to, which is a black-box image classication
Due to its feasibility, the case where an attacker can have free
access to the input and output of a targeted DNN while still be-
ing prohibited from performing back propagation on the targeted
DNN has been called a practical black-box attack setting for DNNs
]. For the rest of this paper, we also refer a
black-box adversarial attack to this setting. For illustration, the
attack settings and their limitations are summarized in Figure 2. It
is worth noting that under this black-box setting, existing attacking
approaches tend to make use of the power of free query to train a
substitute model [
], which is a representative substitute of
the targeted DNN. The substitute model can then be attacked using
any white-box attack techniques, and the generated adversarial
images are used to attack the target DNN. The primary advantage
of training a substitute model is its total transparency to an at-
tacker, and hence essential attack procedures for DNNs, such as
back propagation for gradient computation, can be implemented on
the substitute model for crafting adversarial examples. Moreover,
since the substitute model is representative of a targeted DNN in
terms of its classication rules, adversarial attacks to a substitute
model are expected to be similar to attacking the corresponding
targeted DNN. In other words, adversarial examples crafted from a
substitute model can be highly transferable to the targeted DNN
given the ability of querying the targeted DNN at will.
1.3 Defending adversarial attacks
One common observation from the development of security-related
research is that attack and defense often come hand-in-hand, and
one’s improvement depends on the other’s progress. Similarly, in
the context of robustness of DNNs, more eective adversarial at-
tacks are often driven by improved defenses, and vice versa. There
has been a vast amount of literature on enhancing the robustness
of DNNs. Here we focus on the defense methods that have been
shown to be eective in tackling (a subset of) the adversarial attacks
introduced in Section 1.1 while maintaining similar classication
performance for the benign examples. Based on the defense tech-
niques, we categorize the defense methods proposed for enhancing
the robustness of DNNs to adversarial examples as follows.
• Detection-based defense:
Detection-based approaches aim to
dierentiate an adversarial example from a set of benign exam-
ples using statistical tests or out-of-sample analysis. Interested
readers can refer to recent works in [
] and
references therein for details. In particular, feature squeezing is