Apache Kafka实战:构建与扩展分布式消息系统

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"Apache Kafka是Apache软件基金会开发的开源流处理平台,主要用Scala和Java编写。它是一个高吞吐量的分布式发布订阅消息系统,特别适合处理大规模网站中的用户行为流数据,如网页浏览、搜索等。Kafka设计的目标是处理实时数据流,并能与Hadoop等离线分析系统集成,实现线上和离线消息处理的一致性。此外,Kafka通过集群提供了高可用性和可扩展性,使得实时消息处理成为可能。本书《Apache Kafka》由Nishant Garg撰写,旨在帮助读者设置Apache Kafka集群,并通过实践案例学习构建自定义的消息生产者和消费者。" Apache Kafka作为一个核心组件,其主要特点和功能包括: 1. 分布式架构:Kafka采用分布式设计,可以部署在多台服务器上形成集群,提供高可用性和容错性,同时支持水平扩展,增加节点以提升处理能力。 2. 高吞吐量:Kafka能够处理每秒数十万条消息的发布和订阅,使其在大数据实时处理场景下表现出色。 3. 持久化存储:Kafka将消息持久化到磁盘,即使在服务器宕机后也能保证消息不丢失,提高了数据可靠性。 4. 分区与复制:Kafka将数据分为多个分区,并对每个分区进行复制,增强了数据的可用性和一致性。 5. 发布/订阅模型:Kafka支持发布者向主题发布消息,订阅者从主题订阅消息,这种模型允许消息广播和一对多的通信。 6. 消息消费模式:Kafka提供了两种消费模式,即偏移量提交和自动提交,分别适用于不同场景的需求。 7. 集成能力:Kafka可以与多种工具和技术无缝集成,如Hadoop、Spark、Storm等,用于数据处理和分析。 8. API支持:Kafka提供了Java和Scala的客户端API,同时也支持其他语言的客户端,如Python、Ruby等,方便各种应用程序的接入。 9. 灵活性:Kafka允许开发者根据需求定制生产者和消费者的行为,例如自定义序列化和反序列化方式,或者实现特定的错误处理策略。 10. 监控与管理:Kafka提供了一套管理工具,如Kafka-topics.sh、Kafka-console-producer.sh等,用于管理主题、分区、消费者组等,以及监控系统的运行状态。 通过《Apache Kafka》这本书,读者不仅可以了解Kafka的基本概念和原理,还能学习如何设置和管理Kafka集群,以及如何利用Kafka构建高性能的消息传递系统。书中包含的实践案例将帮助读者深入理解Kafka的实际应用,从而在大数据实时处理领域中游刃有余。
2017-12-31 上传
Chapter 1, Introducing Kafka, discusses how organizations are realizing the real value of data and evolving the mechanism of collecting and processing it. It also describes how to install and build Kafka 0.8.x using different versions of Scala. Chapter 2, Setting Up a Kafka Cluster, describes the steps required to set up a single- or multi-broker Kafka cluster and shares the Kafka broker properties list. Chapter 3, Kafka Design, discusses the design concepts used to build the solid foundation for Kafka. It also talks about how Kafka handles message compression and replication in detail. Chapter 4, Writing Producers, provides detailed information about how to write basic producers and some advanced level Java producers that use message partitioning. Chapter 5, Writing Consumers, provides detailed information about how to write basic consumers and some advanced level Java consumers that consume messages from the partitions. Chapter 6, Kafka Integrations, provides a short introduction to both Storm and Hadoop and discusses how Kafka integration works for both Storm and Hadoop to address real-time and batch processing needs. Chapter 7, Operationalizing Kafka, describes information about the Kafka tools required for cluster administration and cluster mirroring and also shares information about how to integrate Kafka with Camus, Apache Camel, Amazon Cloud, and so on.Chapter 6, Kafka Integrations, provides a short introduction to both Storm and Hadoop and discusses how Kafka integration works for both Storm and Hadoop to address real-time and batch processing needs. Chapter 7, Operationalizing Kafka, describes information about the Kafka tools required for cluster administration and cluster mirroring and also shares information about how to integrate Kafka with Camus, Apache Camel, Amazon Cloud, and so on.