of them has analyzed the SR performance of different chan-
nels, and the necessity of recovering all three channels.
2.2 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
Convolutional neural networks date back decades [26] and
deep CNNs have recently shown an explosive popularity
partially due to its success in image classification [18], [25].
They have also been successfully applied to other computer
vision fields, such as object detection [33], [50], face recogni-
tion [38], and pedestrian detection [34]. Several factors are
of central importance in this progress: (i) the efficient train-
ing implementation on modern powerful GPUs [25], (ii) the
proposal of the rectified linear unit (ReLU) [32] which
makes convergence much faster while still presents good
quality [25], and (iii) the easy access to an abundance of
data (like ImageNet [9]) for training larger models. Our
method also benefits from these progresses.
2.3 Deep Learning for Image Restoration
There have been a few studies of using deep learning tech-
niques for image restoration. The multi-layer perceptron
(MLP), whose all layers are fully-connected (in contrast to
convolutional), is applied for natural image denoising [3]
and post-deblurring denoising [35]. More closely related to
our work, the convolutional neural network is applied for
natural image denoising [21] and removing noisy patterns
(dirt/rain) [12]. These restoration problems are more or less
denoising-driven. Cui et al. [5] propose to embed auto-
encoder networks in their super-resolution pipeline under
the notion internal example-based approach [16]. The deep
model is not specifically designed to be an end-to-end solu-
tion, since each layer of the cascade requires independent
optimization of the self-similarity search process and the
auto-encoder. On the contrary, the proposed SRCNN opti-
mizes an end-to-end mapping. Further, the SRCNN is faster
at speed. It is not only a quantitatively superior method, but
also a practically useful one.
3.1 Formulation
Consider a single low-resolution image, we first upscale it to
the desired size using bicubic interpolation, which is the
only pre-processing we perform.
Let us denote the interpo-
lated image as Y. Our goal is to recover from Y an image
F ðYÞ that is as similar as possible to the ground truth high-
resolution image X. For the ease of presentation, we still call
Y a “low-resolution” image, although it has the same size as
X. We wish to learn a mapping F, which conceptually con-
sists of three operations:
1) Patch extraction and representation. this operation
extracts (overlapping) patches from the low-resolu-
tion image Y and represents each patch as a high-
dimensional vector. These vectors comprise a set of
feature maps, of which the number equals to the
dimensionality of the vectors.
2) Non-linear mapping. this operation nonlinearly maps
each high-dimensional vector onto another high-
dimensional vector. Each mapped vector is concep-
tually the representation of a high-resolution patch.
These vectors comprise another set of feature maps.
3) Reconstruction. this operation aggregates the above
high-resolution patch-wise representations to gener-
ate the final high-resolution image. This image is
expected to be similar to the ground truth X.
We will show th at all these operations form a convolu-
tional neural network. An overview of the network is
depicted in Fig. 2. Next we detail our definition of each
3.1.1 Patch Extraction and Representation
A popular strategy in image restoration (e.g., [1]) is to
densely extract patches and then represent them by a set of
pre-trained bases such as PCA, DCT, Haar, etc. This is
equivalent to convolving the image by a set of filters, each
of which is a basis. In our formulation, we involve the opti-
mization of these bases into the optimization of the network.
Formally, our first layer is expressed as an operation F
ðYÞ¼max 0;W
Y þ B
ðÞ; (1)
Fig. 2. Given a low-resolution image Y, the first convolutional layer of the SRCNN extracts a set of feature maps. The second layer maps these
feature maps nonlinearly to high-resolution patch representations. The last layer combines the predictions within a spatial neighbourhood to produce
the final high-resolution image F ðYÞ.
3. Bicubic interpolation is also a convolutional operation, so it can be
formulated as a convolutional layer. However, the output size of this
layer is larger than the input size, so there is a fractional stride. To take
advantage of the popular well-optimized implementations such as
cuda-convnet [25], we exclude this “layer” from learning.