
需积分: 0 0 下载量 134 浏览量 更新于2024-01-12 收藏 874KB PDF 举报
The given text appears to contain a reference to a certain type of cipher or encryption method, designated as "【特等】b13481." The mention of an "attacker" suggests that this cipher is being considered within the context of information security or cryptography, and that it may be used as a means of protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access or tampering. The mention of an "attacker" having only "access to a set of cip" implies that the security of the cipher is being evaluated under the assumption that an adversary has limited knowledge or resources with which to compromise it. This could indicate that the cipher is being assessed for its resistance to brute force attacks, where an attacker attempts to decrypt the protected data by systematically trying all possible keys or combinations. It is notable that the text provides an option for an English abstract, suggesting that the subject matter is likely to be technical or academic in nature. The inclusion of this detail implies that the content being described is intended for a specialized audience with a professional or scholarly interest in cryptography or information security. Overall, the brief and cryptic nature of the text makes it difficult to draw any specific conclusions about the cipher or the context in which it is being discussed. However, it does serve as a tantalizing hint of a potentially complex and intriguing topic, one that may involve the development or analysis of advanced encryption techniques and their role in safeguarding digital information.