OASIS SOA参考模型1.0:架构指南与标准化支持

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OASIS SOA参考模型1.0是一个由OASIS开放组织制定的标准化框架,它旨在为服务导向架构(SOA)环境提供一个抽象的视角,以便于理解和描述其中的关键实体及其相互关系。该模型着重于SOA的核心概念,并非局限于特定的技术或标准,而是为了支持和服务于SOA环境下的架构设计、标准开发以及培训和教育。 SOA参考模型包括以下几个核心部分: 1. **抽象框架**:模型提供了一个通用的结构,帮助架构师识别和分类服务、服务接口、服务实例、服务组合以及服务治理等基本元素。这有助于在设计过程中保持一致性,并促进不同组件之间的有效交互。 2. **实体与关系**:模型详细阐述了服务与服务之间的依赖性、交互方式(如消息传递、远程过程调用等)、服务生命周期管理以及服务的发现与注册机制。这些关系对于构建可扩展、松耦合的系统至关重要。 3. **一致性与标准化**:通过不绑定于具体技术栈,SOA参考模型鼓励制定一致的标准和规范,确保服务可以跨技术平台和供应商无缝集成。这有利于降低实施复杂性并提高互操作性。 4. **应用场景**:模型不仅适用于实际的架构设计,也适用于教育和培训,帮助开发人员、架构师和管理人员更好地理解SOA的概念和最佳实践,从而推动整个组织向服务化转型。 5. **编辑与贡献者**:该模型由来自Adobe、MITRE Corporation、Fujitsu Laboratories of America Limited和Booz Allen Hamilton等机构的专业人士共同编撰,体现了OASIS开放合作的精神,反映了业界专家对SOA的理解和共识。 通过OASIS SOA参考模型1.0,参与者能够建立基于SOA的架构蓝图,确保其设计具有清晰的视图,便于管理和优化服务的性能、安全性和可靠性,从而推动企业级应用的灵活性和创新。随着技术的不断发展和演进,该模型将随着标准的更新而不断完善,适应不断变化的IT环境。
2008-09-03 上传
OASIS的SOA参考模型 Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture 1.0 OASIS Standard, 12 October 2006 Document identifier: soa-rm Location: http://docs.oasis-open.org/soa-rm/v1.0/ Editors: C. Matthew MacKenzie, Adobe Systems Incorporated, mattm@adobe.com Ken Laskey, MITRE Corporation, klaskey@mitre.org Francis McCabe, Fujitsu Laboratories of America Limited, frankmccabe@mac.com Peter F Brown, peter@justbrown.net Rebekah Metz, Booz Allen Hamilton, metz_rebekah@bah.com Abstract: This Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture is an abstract framework for understanding significant entities and relationships between them within a service-oriented environment, and for the development of consistent standards or specifications supporting that environment. It is based on unifying concepts of SOA and may be used by architects developing specific service oriented architectures or in training and explaining SOA. A reference model is not directly tied to any standards, technologies or other concrete implementation details. It does seek to provide a common semantics that can be used unambiguously across and between different implementations. The relationship between the Reference Model and particular architectures, technologies and other aspects of SOA is illustrated in Figure 1. While service-orientation may be a popular concept found in a broad variety of applications, this reference model focuses on the field of software architecture. The concepts and relationships described may apply to other "service" environments; however, this specification makes no attempt to completely account for use outside of the software domain.