"计算机专业英语学习.pdf - 计算机输入设备及技术"
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The field of computer technology encompasses a vast array of components and devices that work together to process information and perform various tasks. One essential aspect of computer technology is input devices, which are used to transfer new information or data into a computer system.
The most commonly used input devices are the keyboard and the mouse. The keyboard is equipped with keys for characters such as letters, numbers, and punctuation marks, as well as special commands. It allows users to input text and instructions into the computer quickly and efficiently. The mouse, on the other hand, is a pointing device that enables users to interact with graphical user interfaces by moving a cursor on the screen and clicking on objects to perform actions.
In addition to the keyboard and mouse, there are other types of input devices that allow users to input images and documents into the computer. One such device is a scanner, which is used to copy pictures or documents into digital form. Scanners come in various types, some of which have unique designs but all typically feature a flat tray with a glass surface for capturing images.
Overall, input devices play a crucial role in enabling users to interact with computers and input data in various forms. From the traditional keyboard and mouse to more specialized devices like scanners, these tools are essential for effectively communicating with and utilizing computer systems for a wide range of applications. Through the use of input devices, users can input information, issue commands, and manipulate data to achieve their desired outcomes in the digital realm.
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