Performance analysis of radix-4 adders
Shahzad Asif
, Mark Vesterbacka
Department of EE, COMSATS IIT, 44000 Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of EE, Link
oping University, SE-581 83 Link
oping, Sweden
article info
Article history:
Received 30 May 2011
Received in revised form
28 September 2011
Accepted 30 September 2011
Available online 13 October 2011
CMOS full adder
Radix-4 adder
Power-delay product
Energy-delay product
Carry-based adder
We present a radix-4 static CMOS full adder circuit that reduces the propagation delay, PDP, and EDP in
carry-based adders compared with using a standard radix-2 full adder solution. The improvements are
obtained by employing carry look-ahead technique at the transistor level. Spice simulations using
45 nm CMOS technology parameters with a power supply voltage of 1.1 V indicate that the radix-4
circuit is 24% faster than a 2-bit radix-2 ripple carry adder with slightly larger transistor count, whereas
the power consumption is almost the same. A second scheme for radix-2 and radix-4 adders that have a
reduced number of transistors in the carry path is also investigated. Simulation results also confirm that
the radix-4 adder gives better performance as compared to a standard 2-bit CLA. 32-Bit ripple carry,
2-stage carry select, variable size carry select, and carry skip adders are im plemented with the different
full adders as building blocks. There are PDP savings, with one exception, for the 32-bit adders in the
range 8–18% and EDP savings in the range 21–53% using ra dix-4 as compared to radix-2.
& 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Addition is the most basic and most frequently used operation
in digital circuit design [1,2]. Due to this reason, a large number of
adder architectures have been designed to accommodate the
requirements of different applications. Common parameters that
measure the performance of a circuit are speed, power, area,
power-delay product (PDP), and energy-delay product (EDP),
where the PDP represents the energy dissipation per switching
event and the EDP is a commonly used measure for energy-
performance trade-off [3,4]. On the basis of area and speed, we
can divide the adders in three major categories. The ripple carry
adder (RCA) is the slowest architecture with the least number of
transistors. The carry look-ahead adder (CLA) is the fastest adder
but requires very large area. The carry select adder (CSEL) is used
when we need a moderate solution [5–7]; it is faster than RCA but
slower than CLA.
Extensive research has been done to improve the performance
of the full adder (FA), which is the basic building block for large
carry-based adders. In [8–11], different architectures have been
presented to improve the performance of the FA in terms of speed,
power, and energy. In [12], different FA architectures are analyzed
and compared with respect to speed, power consumption and
PDP. In [13,14], different radix-2 and radix-4 architectures are
presented and compared for 64-bit parallel prefix adders with
main emphasis on the Kogge–Stone adder.
In this work, we design a radix-4 FA instead of the more
common radix-2 FA. The radix-4 FA is based on internal carry
look-ahead to reduce the carry propagation path in an adder since
that path is critical [3] . The main disadvantage of this architecture
is a slight increase in transistor count.
With the scaling of technology and supply voltage, it is
becoming more important to design the circuits having full
voltage swing, which results in high noise margins. For low power
applications, it is also common to reduce the supply voltage,
but doing so will result in even lower noise margins [15]. Static
CMOS logic provides high gain and a voltage swing equal to the
supply voltage, yielding high noise margins. Hence, the CMOS
logic style is a good choice for low power implementation in
deep submicron technologies [16], which we have chosen for
our design.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we study
different FA topologies. In Section 3, two radix-4 FAs are pro-
posed. In Sections 4 and 5, we discuss 32-bit adders that are
implemented for comparison. Section 6 shows the simulation
results of the adders, and the work is concluded in Section 7.
2. FA topology
In this work we focus on static CMOS circuits, which provide the
high noise margins required for implementation in deep submicron
technologies. A popular topology is the mirror FA [12], which is used
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Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: shahzad_comsats@yahoo.com (S. Asif),
markv@isy.liu.se (M. Vesterbacka).
INTEGRATION, the VLSI journal 45 (2012) 111–120