"Python 数据可视化大屏设计与实现:西南财经大学本科毕业论文"
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This paper aims to explore the design and implementation of Python-based data visualization dashboard to meet the needs of data visualization and display in the current information and big data era. Starting from the background of informationization and big data, the paper analyzes the importance and necessity of data visualization in information construction, and combines the current development status of data visualization technology to propose the theoretical basis and practical significance of using Python as a development tool for data visualization dashboard design. This paper introduces Python language and related data visualization libraries, and elaborates the design and implementation process of data visualization dashboard based on Python, including data acquisition and processing, selection and drawing of visualization charts, and implementation of interactive functions. Through the analysis of practical cases and experimental verification, the paper demonstrates the application effect and advantages of Python-based data visualization dashboard in different fields, providing readers with a new perspective and ideas. At the same time, the paper also discusses the challenges and solutions that Python-based data visualization dashboards may face in future development, providing useful reference for research and practice in related fields.
Keywords: Data visualization; Python; Dashboard design; Informatization; Big data
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