Packing DLLs in your EXE | Dr Dobb's
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Packing DLLs in your EXE
By Thiadmer Riemersma, June 01, 2002
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DLLpack is a tool that allows DLLs to be embedded inside an executable and extracted the
first time a function from the DLL is called.
DLLpack is a function library that allows DLLs to be embedded inside an executable. The
embedded DLLs get extracted out of the application the first time a function from the DLL is
called. DLLpack exploits the DLL “delay-load” feature of Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0 and
Borland C++ Builder 5.0. DLLpack solves two of the most severe problems that the industry
has with DLLs: installation problems (missing DLLs) and version problems.
Why DLLs?
There are a few advantages of DLLs over static linked libraries. Apart from the minor
advantages of reduced disk usage when installing multiple applications that share a single
DLL and a reduced overall memory load when such applications run concurrently, an asset
of a DLL is that it forms a self-contained package with a standardized interface.
Self-contained in the sense that including a DLL into a project infers no more than adding
the appropriate import library to the project files; the DLL is immune to the compiler brand
and the compiler settings that are used to build the project. In contrast, you cannot expect a
static library that you built with one compiler to be useable with another compiler; worse, it
might not work with another version of the same compiler. A static library may also be
sensitive to compiler and linker settings, for example a mismatch between the multi-tasking
and the single-tasking versions of the standard library.
As opposed to that of static libraries, the call level interface of a DLL is pretty well defined.
This allows me to create a DLL that is useable not only with multiple C++ compilers, but also
with other languages such as Delphi or Visual Basic. Of course, it is quite possible to write a
DLL that will only work with one particular system, but that is not at issue here. Creating a
DLL that works with most languages/compilers for Microsoft Windows is fairly easy and doing
so with static libraries is impossible.
Another (minor) advantage of DLLs over static libraries is that you can load a DLL on an
as-needed basis and unload it once you are done with it. This functionality can be useful in
situations where a particular routine has significant memory and resource requirements, and
only rarely executes.
Why DLLpack?
DLLs have severe problems too: every separate file in a product is another potential
installation/configuration problem. Foremost amongst the complaints about DLLs are
“missing DLLs” and “version mismatches”. All kinds of files can disappear from a user’s hard
disk, but DLLs are apparently more prone to go missing than other files, possibly because
they are often stored in a shared location; i.e., the Windows “system” directory. Version
problems, where the application needs version X of the DLL, but a later installation of a
completely unrelated program has upgraded (or downgraded!) the DLL to version Y, are, in
casual parlance, categorized under the label “DLL Hell”.
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Packing DLLs in your EXE | Dr Dobb's
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