"基于SSM MySQL的楚水高中在线考试系统设计与实现"

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The Chushui High School online examination system is designed to address the specific requirements of online examinations at the school. Through analyzing the problems of the previous system, this new system was developed based on the B/S structure, MVC three-layer design pattern in Java, and using Eclipse editor and MySQL database. The system includes modules for user management, course information management, teacher information management, student information management, examination paper management, login, and logout. This system has successfully achieved the goals of improving efficiency and reducing economic investment compared to traditional methods. With the utilization of data resources and advancements in computer technology, the Chushui High School online examination system has been modernized and optimized for better performance. Key words: Chushui High School online examination system; Eclipse editor; MySQL database.
2024-12-21 上传