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"Linux-Dictionary 是一份由 Binh Nguyen 编写的文档,旨在为Linux、UNIX和POSIX相关的术语和行业术语提供清晰的解释。这份文档包含大约24000个定义,超过两千页的内容,是目前可用的最大的Linux相关词典之一。由于新术语的快速产生,这个项目被设定为持续更新的活动项目,预计每半年进行一次更新。此外,作者欢迎对文档内容的输入和贡献。若寻找更广泛的计算机词典,可以参考 'ComputerDictionaryProject' 网站。此文档的可搜索数据库可以在 找到,该网站由香港理工大学的 Sun Wah Pearl Linux Training and Development Centre 提供,该中心提供专业的Linux和开源软件技术培训及咨询服务。" 本文档“Linux-Dictionary”是Linux用户的重要参考资料,它深入浅出地解释了与Linux操作系统、UNIX系统以及POSIX标准相关的专业词汇。在Linux社区,这些术语和技术语言是日常交流和技术讨论的基础。了解这些术语对于提升用户在Linux环境中的操作和问题解决能力至关重要。 例如,了解“shell”这个术语,指的是Linux或UNIX系统中的命令行接口,用户可以通过它输入命令来执行任务;“POSIX”代表可移植操作系统接口,是一组标准,定义了操作系统必须遵循的API,以确保跨平台的兼容性;“package manager”如apt或yum,用于安装、更新和管理Linux系统的软件包。 随着Linux生态系统的不断发展,新的工具、框架和术语也在不断涌现。因此,像“Linux-Dictionary”这样的活文档,能够及时更新和收录新的术语,对于保持知识的最新性和实用性具有重要意义。用户可以参与到这个项目中,提供新的定义或者更新现有的解释,共同维护这个共享知识库。 同时,文档中提到的“ComputerDictionaryProject”是一个更广泛的计算机领域术语资源,涵盖的范围可能超越了Linux和UNIX系统,适合那些寻求更全面的计算机科学知识的人。而SWP提供的在线数据库则提供了方便的搜索功能,使用户能够快速查找和理解特定的技术术语。 总而言之,“Linux-Dictionary”是Linux用户和开发者不可或缺的学习和参考资源,它不仅提供了丰富的词汇解释,还展示了Linux社区的开放和协作精神。通过持续更新和用户参与,这份文档将继续保持其在Linux教育和学习领域的权威性。
2012-03-15 上传
Linux 大全; 按照A~Z区分; A a−Linux a−Linux is an x86 floppy−based mini−distribution, where assembly code meets Linux kernel. It contains only programs written in assembly language. It is extemely small, yet functional, and provides HTTP and FTP services out−of−the−box. Initial version 0.17 was released August 17, 2002. A floppy−based distribution. From LWN Distribution List−Dictionary/html/index.html a2p Awk to Perl translator From whatis−Dictionary/html/index.html a2ps GNU a2ps 'Anything to PostScript' converter and pretty−printer a2ps converts files into PostScript for printing or viewing. It uses a nice default format, usually two pages on each physical page, borders surrounding pages, headers with useful information (page number, printing date, file name or supplied header), line numbering, symbol substitution as well as pretty printing for a wide range of programming languages. Historically, a2ps started as a text to PostScript converter, but thanks to powerful delegations it is able to let you use it for any kind of files, ie it can also digest manual pages, dvi files, texinfo, .... Among the other most noticeable features of a2ps are: − various encodings (all the Latins and others), − various fonts (automatic font down loading), − various medias, − various printer interfaces, − various output styles, − various programming languages, − various helping applications, − and various spoken languages. From Debian 3.0r0 APT−Dictionary/html/index.html a2ps The a2ps filter converts text and other types of files to PostScript format. A2ps has pretty−printing capabilities and includes support for a wide number of programming languages, encodings (ISO Latins, Cyrillic, etc.), and media. From Redhat 8.0 RPM−Dictionary/html/index.html a52dec Utilities to extract and decode ATCS A/52 streams Utilities to extract and decode ATCS A/52 streams. The A/52 standard is used in a variety of applications, including digital television and DVD. It is also known as AC−3. From Debian 3.0r0 APT−Dictionary/html/index.html AA Auto Answer (MODEM) From VERA−Dictionary/html/index.html aa3d An ASCII art stereogram generator This program generates the well known and popular random dot stereograms in ASCII art. From Debian 3.0r0 APT−Dictionary/html/index.html AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting From VERA−Dictionary/html/index.html AAC Advanced Audio Coding (IIS, MPEG) From VERA−Dictionary/html/index.html AAC Authorization and Access Control (IETF) From VERA−Dictionary/html/index.html AAD Authorized AutoCAD Dealer (AutoCAD, CAD) From VERA−Dictionary/html/index.html A