
0 下载量 25 浏览量 更新于2024-02-19 收藏 6.77MB PPT 举报
本文介绍了《Authorware-7多媒体制作教程完整版教学课件全书电子讲义(最新).ppt》中第一章关于多媒体软件开发的基本知识。多媒体软件产品结合了计算机技术中的图形、图像、声音和动画等多种媒体。在商场、银行、政府机关和其他服务性场所,常常使用触摸式多媒体查询系统,这些系统能够快速提供信息查询服务。此外,多媒体教学光盘也提供了图像、文本、声音和视频等多种形式的友好界面。多媒体技术已经深入到我们的生活中。文中还介绍了国际电话电报咨询委员会(CCITT)将媒体分成5类,包括感觉媒体、表示媒体、表现媒体、存储媒体和传输媒体。此外,还探讨了多媒体和超媒体的概念。Overall, the text provides an overview of Chapter 1 of the "Authorware-7 Multimedia Production Tutorial Complete Edition Electronic Lecture Notes (Latest).ppt", which introduces the basic knowledge of multimedia software development. Multimedia software products combine various media such as graphics, images, sound, and animation. Touchscreen multimedia query systems are commonly seen in shopping malls, banks, government agencies, and other service-oriented places, providing quick access to information. Multimedia educational CDs also offer friendly interfaces with a combination of text, images, sound, and video. The text also discusses the categorization of media by the International Telegraph Consultative Committee (CCITT) into perception media, representation media, presentation media, storage media, and transmission media. Additionally, the concept of multimedia and hypermedia is explored.