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本文主要介绍了基于LINUX的嵌入式LCD驱动程序。TFT-LCD是一种具有低工作电压、低功耗、无辐射、高寿命、轻巧方便、易于实现大规模集成和生产的优点的显示技术。它以其高清晰度、大容量和全彩色的显示效果,在液晶和整个平板显示技术领域扮演着重要角色。嵌入式系统是一种应用于特定功能的专用计算机系统,它在软硬件上具有灵活裁剪的特性,并具有高可靠性、体积小、低成本和低功耗等优点。在近年来,嵌入式系统发展迅速,并已广泛应用于各个产业,改变了人们的工作、生活和娱乐方式。 关键词:TFT-LCD、液晶、嵌入式系统 Abstract: TFT-LCD has the characteristics of low driving voltage, little consumption, non x-ray radiation, long life, light, probable and apt to realize mass product. It has become a leading technology in the field of liquid crystal and even the entire tablet display with its high definition, large capacity, and full-color display effect. Embedded system is a specialized computer system applied to specific functions. It has the characteristics of flexible software and hardware trimming, high reliability, small size, low cost, and low power consumption. In recent years, embedded systems have developed rapidly and have been widely used in various industries, greatly changing people's work, life, and entertainment. Keywords: TFT-LCD, liquid crystal, embedded system