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MahoutinAction完整版本是 Apache Mahout 的一个详细指南,涵盖了推荐算法、数据挖掘和个性化推荐等方面的知识。
推荐算法是 Mahout 的核心组件之一,MahoutinAction完整版本中详细介绍了推荐算法的基本概念和实现方式。推荐算法的主要目标是根据用户的行为和喜好,推荐用户可能感兴趣的物品或服务。Mahout 提供了多种推荐算法,包括基于用户的协同过滤、基于项目的协同过滤、矩阵分解等。
**Mahout clustering**
Mahout clustering 是 Mahout 的一个重要组件,用于对数据进行聚类分析。MahoutinAction完整版本中详细介绍了 Mahout clustering 的基本概念和实现方式,包括 K-均值聚类、 Hierarchical 聚类、 DBSCAN 聚类等。
**Mahout recommendations**
Mahout recommendations 是 Mahout 的一个核心组件,用于提供个性化推荐。MahoutinAction完整版本中详细介绍了 Mahout recommendations 的基本概念和实现方式,包括基于用户的协同过滤、基于项目的协同过滤、矩阵分解等。
分布式计算是指将计算任务分布到多个节点上,以提高计算速度和可扩展性。MahoutinAction完整版本中介绍了分布式计算的基本概念和技术,包括 Hadoop、MapReduce 等。
MahoutinAction完整版本是一个详细的指南,涵盖了 Mahout 的各个方面,包括推荐算法、数据挖掘、个性化推荐、Mahout clustering、Mahout recommendations、数据表示、分布式计算等。
©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum:
Before discussing each of these components in more detail in the next two chapters, we can
summarize the role of each component now. A
DataModel implementation stores and provides access to
all the preference, user and item data needed in the computation. A
UserSimiliarity implementation
provides some notion of how similar two users are; this could be based on one of many possible metrics
or calculations. A
UserNeighborhood implementation defines a notion of a group of users that are most
similar to a given user. Finally, a
Recommender implementation pulls all these components together to
recommend items to users, and related functionality.
2.2.3 Analyzing the output
Compile and run this using your favorite IDE. The output of running the program in your terminal or IDE
should be: RecommendedItem[item:104, value:4.257081]
The request asked for one top recommendation, and got one. The recommender engine recommended
book 104 to user 1. Further, it says that the recommender engine did so because it estimated user 1’s
preference for book 104 to be about 4.3, and that was the highest among all the items eligible for
That’s not bad. 107 did not appear, which was also recommendable, but only associated to a user with
different tastes. It picked 104 over 106, and this makes sense after noting that 104 is a bit more highly
rated overall. Further, the output contained a reasonable estimate of how much user 1 likes item 104 –
something between the 4.0 and 4.5 that users 4 and 5 expressed.
The right answer isn't obvious from looking at the data, but the recommender engine made some
decent sense of it and returned a defensible answer. If you got a pleasant tingle out of seeing this simple
program give a useful and non-obvious result from a small pile of data, then the world of machine learning
is for you!
For clear, small data sets, producing recommendations is as trivial as it appears above. In real life,
data sets are huge, and they are noisy. For example, imagine a popular news site recommending news
articles to readers. Preferences are inferred from article clicks. But, many of these “preferences” may be
bogus – maybe a reader clicked an article but didn't like it, or, had clicked the wrong story. Perhaps many
of the clicks occurred while not logged in, so can’t be associated to a user. And, imagine the size of the
data set – perhaps billions of clicks in a month.
Producing the right recommendations from this data and producing them quickly are not trivial. Later
we will present the tools Mahout provides to attack a range of such problems by way of case studies. They
will show how standard approaches can produce poor recommendations or take a great deal of memory
and CPU time, and, how to configure and customize Mahout to improve performance.
2.3 Evaluating a Recommender
A recommender engines is a tool, a means to answer the question, “what are the best recommendations
for a user?” Before investigating the answers, it’s best to investigate the question. What exactly is a good
recommendation? And how does one know when a recommender is producing them? The remainder of
this chapter pauses to explore evaluation of a recommender, because this is a tool that will be useful
when looking at specific recommender systems.
The best possible recommender would be a sort of psychic that could somehow know, before you do,
exactly how much you would like every possible item that you've not yet seen or expressed any
preference for. A recommender that could predict all your preferences exactly would merely present all
other items ranked by your future preference and be done. These would be the best possible
And indeed most recommender engines operate by trying to do just this, estimating ratings for some
or all other items. So, one way of evaluating a recommender's recommendations is to evaluate the quality
of its estimated preference values – that is, evaluating how closely the estimated preferences match the
actual preferences.
Licensed to Duan Jienan <jnduan@gmail.com>
©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum:
2.3.1 Training data and scoring
Those “actual preferences” don't exist though. Nobody knows for sure how you'll like some new item in
the future (including you). This can be simulated to a recommender engine by setting aside a small part of
the real data set as test data. These test preferences are not present in the training data fed into a
recommender engine under evaluation -- which is all data except the test data. Instead, the recommender
is asked to estimate preference for the missing test data, and estimates are compared to the actual
From there, it is fairly simple to produce a kind of “score” for the recommender. For example it’s
possible to compute the average difference between estimate and actual preference. With a score of this
type, lower is better, because that would mean the estimates differed from the actual preference values
by less. 0.0 would mean perfect estimation -- no difference at all between estimates and actual values.
Sometimes the root-mean-square of the differences is used: this is the square root of the average of
the squares of the differences between actual and estimated preference values. Again, lower is better.
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
3.0 5.0 4.0
3.5 2.0 5.0
0.5 3.0 1.0
= (0.5 + 3.0 + 1.0) / 3 = 1.5
Root Mean
+ 3.0
+ 1.0
) / 3) = 1.8484
Table 2.1 An illustration of the average difference, and root mean square calculation
Above, the table shows the difference between a set of actual and estimated preferences, and how
they are translated into scores. Root-mean-square more heavily penalizes estimates that are way off, as
with item 2 here, and that is considered desirable by some. For example, an estimate that’s off by 2 whole
stars is probably more than twice as “bad” as one off by just 1 star. Because the simple average of
differences is perhaps more intuitive and easy to understand, upcoming examples will use it.
2.3.2 Running RecommenderEvaluator
Let's revisit the example code and instead evaluate the simple recommender, on this simple data set:
Listing 2.3 Configuring and running an evaluation of a Recommender
RandomUtils.useTestSeed(); A
DataModel model = new FileDataModel(new File("intro.csv"));
RecommenderEvaluator evaluator =
new AverageAbsoluteDifferenceRecommenderEvaluator();
RecommenderBuilder builder = new RecommenderBuilder() { B
public Recommender buildRecommender(DataModel model)
throws TasteException {
UserSimilarity similarity = new PearsonCorrelationSimilarity(model);
UserNeighborhood neighborhood =
new NearestNUserNeighborhood(2, similarity, model);
new GenericUserBasedRecommender(model, neighborhood, similarity);
double score = evaluator.evaluate(
Licensed to Duan Jienan <jnduan@gmail.com>
©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum:
builder, null, model, 0.7, 1.0); C
A Used only in examples for repeatable result
B Builds the same Recommender as above
C Use 70% of data to train; test with other 30%
Most of the action happens in
evaluate(). Inside, the RecommenderEvaluator handles splitting
the data into a training and test set, builds a new training
DataModel and Recommender to test, and
compares its estimated preferences to the actual test data.
Note that there is no
Recommender passed to this method. This is because, inside, the method will
need to build a
Recommender around a newly created training DataModel. So the caller must provide an
object that can build a
Recommender from a DataModel – a RecommenderBuilder. Here, it builds the
same implementation that was tried earlier in this chapter.
2.3.3 Assessing the result
This program prints the result of the evaluation: a score indicating how well the Recommender performed.
In this case you should simply see:
1.0. Even though a lot of randomness is used inside the evaluator to
choose test data, the result should be consistent because of the call to
which forces the same random choices each time. This is only used in such examples, and unit tests, to
guarantee repeatable results. Don’t use it in your real code.
What this value means depends on the implementation used – here,
AverageAbsoluteDifferenceRecommenderEvaluator. A result of 1.0 from this implementation
means that, on average, the recommender estimates a preference that deviates from the actual
preference by 1.0.
A value of 1.0 is not great, on a scale of 1 to 5, but there is so little data here to begin with. Your
results may differ as the data set is split randomly, and hence the training and test set may differ with
each run.
This technique can be applied to any
Recommender and DataModel. To use root-mean-square
scoring, replace
AverageAbsoluteDifferenceRecommenderEvaluator with the implementation
Also, the
null parameter to evaluate() could instead be an instance of DataModelBuilder,
which can be used to control how the training
DataModel is created from training data. Normally the
default is fine; it may not be if you are using a specialized implementation of
DataModel in your
deployment. A
DataModelBuilder is how you would inject it into the evaluation process.
1.0 parameter at the end controls how much of the overall input data is used. Here it means
“100%.” This can be used to produce a quicker, if less accurate, evaluation by using only a little of a
potentially huge data set. For example,
0.1 would mean 10% of the data is used and 90% is ignored.
This is quite useful when rapidly testing small changes to a
2.4 Evaluating precision and recall
We could also take a broader view of the recommender problem: it’s not strictly necessary to estimate
preference values in order to produce recommendations. It’s not always essential to present estimated
preference values to users. In many cases, just an ordered list of recommendations, from best to worst, is
sufficient. In fact, in some cases the exact ordering of the list doesn’t matter much – a set of a few good
recommendations is fine.
Taking this more general view, we could also apply classic information retrieval metrics to evaluate
recommenders: precision and recall. These terms are typically applied to things like search engines, which
return some set of best results for a query out of many possible results.
A search engine should not return irrelevant results in the top results, although it should strive to
return as many relevant results as possible. “Precision” is the proportion of top results that are relevant,
for some definition of relevant. “Precision at 10” would be this proportion judged from the top 10 results.
“Recall” is the proportion of all relevant results included in the top results. See figure 2.3 for a
visualization of these ideas.
Licensed to Duan Jienan <jnduan@gmail.com>
©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum:
Figure 2.3 An illustration of precision and recall in the context of search results
These terms can easily be adapted to recommenders: precision is the proportion of top
recommendations that are good recommendations, and recall is the proportion of good recommendations
that appear in top recommendations. The next section will define “good”.
2.4.1 Running RecommenderIRStatsEvaluator
Again, Mahout provides a fairly simple way to compute these values for a Recommender:
Listing 2.4 Configuring and running a precision and recall evaluation
DataModel model = new FileDataModel(new File("intro.csv"));
RecommenderIRStatsEvaluator evaluator =
new GenericRecommenderIRStatsEvaluator();
RecommenderBuilder recommenderBuilder = new RecommenderBuilder() {
public Recommender buildRecommender(DataModel model)
throws TasteException {
UserSimilarity similarity = new PearsonCorrelationSimilarity(model);
UserNeighborhood neighborhood =
new NearestNUserNeighborhood(2, similarity, model);
new GenericUserBasedRecommender(model, neighborhood, similarity);
IRStatistics stats = evaluator.evaluate(
recommenderBuilder, null, model, null, 2,
1.0); A
A Evaluate precision and recall at 2
Without the call to
RandomUtils.useTestSeed(), the result you see would vary significantly due to
random selection of training data and test data, and because the data set is so small here. But with the
call, the result ought to be:
Precision at 2 is 0.75; on average about three-quarters of recommendations were “good.” Recall at 2 is
1.0; all good recommendations are among those recommended.
But what exactly is a “good” recommendation here? The framework was asked to decide. It didn’t
receive a definition. Intuitively, the most highly preferred items in the test set are the good
recommendations, and the rest aren’t.
Licensed to Duan Jienan <jnduan@gmail.com>
©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum:
Listing 2.5 User 5’s preference in test data set
Look at user 5 in this simple data set again. Let’s imagine the preferences for items 101, 102 and 103
were withheld as test data. The preference values for these are 4.0, 3.0 and 2.0. With these values
missing from the training data, a recommender engine ought to recommend 101 before 102, and 102
before 103, because this is the order in which user 5 prefers these items. But would it be a good idea to
recommend 103? It’s last on the list; user 5 doesn’t seem to like it much. Book 102 is just average. Book
101 looks reasonable as its preference value is well above average. Maybe 101 is a good
recommendation; 102 and 103 are valid, but not good recommendations.
And this is the thinking that the
RecommenderEvaluator employs. When not given an explicit
threshold that divides good recommendations from bad, the framework will pick a threshold, per user,
that is equal to the user's average preference value µ plus one standard deviation σ:
threshold = µ +
If you’ve forgotten your statistics, don’t worry. This takes items whose preference value is not merely
a little more than average (µ), but above average by a significant amount (σ). In practice this means that
about the 16% of items that are most highly preferred are considered “good” recommendations to make
back to the user. The other arguments to this method are similar to those discussed before and are more
fully documented in the project javadoc.
2.4.2 Problems with precision and recall
The usefulness of precision and recall tests in the context of recommenders depends entirely on how well
a “good” recommendation can be defined. Above, the threshold was given, or defined by the framework. A
poor choice will hurt the usefulness of the resulting score.
There’s a subtler problem with these tests, though. Here, they necessarily pick the set of good
recommendations from among items for which the user has already expressed some preference. But the
best recommendations are of course not necessarily among those the user already knows about!
Imagine running such a test for a user who would absolutely love the little-known French cult film, “My
Brother The Armoire”. Let’s say it’s objectively a great recommendation for this user. But, the user has
never heard of this movie. If a recommender actually returned this film when recommending movies, it
would be penalized; the test framework can only pick good recommendations from among those in the
user’s set of preferences already.
The issue is further complicated when the preferences are ‘boolean’ and contain no preference value.
There is not even a notion of relative preference on which to select a subset of good items. The best the
test can do is to randomly select some preferred items as the good ones.
The test nevertheless has some use. The items a user prefers are a reasonably proxy for the best
recommendations for the user, but by no means a perfect one. In the case of boolean preference data,
only a precision-recall test is available anyway. It is worth understanding the test’s limitations in this
2.5 Evaluating the GroupLens data set
With these tools in hand, we will be able to discuss not only the speed, but also the quality of
recommender engines. Although examples with large amounts real data are still a couple chapters away,
it’s already possible to quickly evaluate performance on a small data set.
Licensed to Duan Jienan <jnduan@gmail.com>
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