-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Ks of Requests/Sec
# of Clients
Sequencer Throughput
Figure 2: A centralized sequencer can scale to more
than half a million operations/sec.
2.2 The CORFU Shared Log
The CORFU interface is simple, consisting of four ba-
sic calls. Clients can append entries to the shared log,
obtaining an offset in return. They can check the current
tail of the log. They can read the entry at a particular off-
set. The system provides linearizable semantics: a read
or a check is guaranteed to see any completed append
operations. Finally, clients can trim a particular offset in
the log, indicating that it can be garbage collected.
Internally, CORFU organizes a cluster of storage
nodes into multiple, disjoint replica sets; for example,
a 12-node cluster might consist of 4 replica sets of size
3. Each individual storage node exposes a 64-bit write-
once address space, mirrored across the replica set. Ad-
ditionally, the cluster contains a dedicated sequencer
node, which is essentially a networked counter storing
the current tail of the shared log.
To append to the shared log, a client first contacts the
sequencer and obtains the next free offset in the global
address space of the shared log. It then maps this offset
to a local offset on one of the replica sets using a simple
deterministic mapping over the membership of the clus-
ter. For example, offset 0 might be mapped to A : 0 (i.e.,
page 0 on set A, which in turn consists of storage nodes
, A
, and A
), offset 1 to B : 0, and so on until the func-
tion wraps back to A : 1. The client then completes the
append by directly issuing writes to the storage nodes
in the replica set using a client-driven variant of Chain
Replication [45].
Reads to an offset follow a similar process, minus
the offset acquisition from the sequencer. Checking
the tail of the log comes in two variants: a fast check
(sub-millisecond) that contacts the sequencer, and a slow
check (10s of milliseconds) that queries the storage
nodes for their local tails and inverts the mapping func-
tion to obtain the global tail.
The CORFU design has some important properties:
The sequencer is not a single point of failure. The
sequencer stores a small amount of soft state: a single
64-bit integer representing the tail of the log. When the
sequencer goes down, any client can easily recover this
state using the slow check operation. In addition, the se-
quencer is merely an optimization to find the tail of the
log and not required for correctness; the Chain Replica-
tion variant used to write to the storage nodes guarantees
that a single client will ‘win’ if multiple clients attempt
to write to the same offset. As a result, the system can
tolerate the existence of multiple sequencers, and can
run without a sequencer (at much reduced throughput)
by having clients probe for the location of the tail. A
different failure mode involves clients crashing after ob-
taining offsets but before writing to the storage nodes,
creating ‘holes’ in the log; to handle this case, CORFU
provides applications with a fast, sub-millisecond fill
primitive as described in [10] .
The sequencer is not a bottleneck for small clusters.
In prior work on CORFU [10], we reported a user-space
sequencer that ran at 200K appends/sec. To test the lim-
its of the design, we subsequently built a faster CORFU
sequencer using the new Registered I/O interfaces [9]
in Windows Server 2012. Figure 2 shows the perfor-
mance of the new sequencer: as we add clients to the
system, sequencer throughput increases until it plateaus
at around 570K requests/sec. We obtain this perfor-
mance without any batching (beyond TCP/IP’s default
Nagling); with a batch size of 4, for example, the se-
quencer can run at over 2M requests/sec, but this will
obviously affect the end-to-end latency of appends to
the shared log. Our finding that a centralized server
can be made to run at very high RPC rates matches re-
cent observations by others; the Percolator system [38],
for example, runs a centralized timestamp oracle with
similar functionality at over 2M requests/sec with batch-
ing; Vasudevan et al. [46] report achieving 1.6M sub-
millisecond 4-byte reads/sec on a single server with
batching; Masstree [33] is a key-value server that pro-
vides 6M queries/sec with batching.
Garbage collection is a red herring. System designers
tend to view log-structured designs with suspicion, con-
ditioned by decades of experience with garbage collec-
tion over hard drives. However, flash storage has sparked
a recent resurgence in log-structured designs, due to the
ability of the medium to provide contention-free random
reads (and its need for sequential writes); every SSD on
the market today traces its lineage to the original LFS
design [39], implementing a log-structured storage sys-
tem that can provide thousands of IOPS despite con-
current GC activity. In this context, a single CORFU
storage node is an SSD with a custom interface (i.e.,
a write-once, 64-bit address space instead of a conven-
tional LBA, where space is freed by explicit trims rather