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"《应用空间数据分析与R》(Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R)是一本由Roger S. Bivand、Edzer Pebesma和Virgilio Gómez-Rubio合著的第二版书籍,它专注于介绍如何使用R语言进行空间数据分析。该书属于著名的UseR!系列,由Robert Gentleman、Kurt Hornik和Giovanni G. Parmigiani共同编辑。此系列致力于提供实用的R编程教程,适合初学者和专业人员深入理解并掌握数据处理技术。 本书内容涵盖了空间数据的处理、可视化和建模,通过丰富的案例研究让读者能够轻松理解和实践。作者们在书中详细阐述了如何利用R语言中的spatial packages(如sf, raster,和rgdal等),处理地理空间数据,包括数据读取、数据清理、空间操作、空间统计分析,以及高级主题如空间插值和GIS功能。此外,书中还涉及了如何在R中构建地图、执行空间聚类和网络分析,以及如何将分析结果应用于实际问题。 《应用空间数据分析与R》的特点在于其理论与实践相结合的方式,确保读者不仅能学习理论知识,还能通过实例操作加深理解。对于那些对地理信息系统(GIS)、生态学、经济学、地理学或城市规划等领域感兴趣的专业人士,这是一本不可或缺的参考书。此外,该书也适用于R语言学习者,特别是希望扩展其在空间数据分析领域的技能的程序员和数据科学家。 该书的ISBN号和DOI号分别为978-1-4614-7617-7(印刷版)和978-1-4614-7618-4(电子版),版权归属于Springer Science+Business Media。版权信息强调所有权利保留,包括翻译、重印、再利用图解、朗诵、广播、微缩复制或其他任何形式的传输,都受到保护。 《应用空间数据分析与R》是一本全面且实用的指南,它展示了如何利用R的强大功能进行空间数据处理,对于想要在这个领域深化专业知识的读者来说,无疑是一次宝贵的探索和学习之旅。"
2018-07-28 上传
"Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R is divided into two basic parts, the first presenting R packages, functions, classes and methods for handling spatial data. This part is of interest to users who need to access and visualise spatial data. Data import and export for many file formats for spatial data are covered in detail, as is the interface between R and the open source GRASS GIS. The second part showcases more specialised kinds of spatial data analysis, including spatial point pattern analysis, interpolation and geostatistics, areal data analysis and disease mapping. The coverage of methods of spatial data analysis ranges from standard techniques to new developments, and the examples used are largely taken from the spatial statistics literature. All the examples can be run using R contributed packages available from the CRAN website, with code and additional data sets from the book's own website. This book will be of interest to researchers who intend to use R to handle, visualise, and analyse spatial data. It will also be of interest to spatial data analysts who do not use R, but who are interested in practical aspects of implementing software for spatial data analysis. It is a suitable companion book for introductory spatial statistics courses and for applied methods courses in a wide range of subjects using spatial data, including human and physical geography, geographical information systems, the environmental sciences, ecology, public health and disease control, economics, public administration and political science. The book has a website where coloured figures, complete code examples, data sets, and other support material may be found: http://www.asdar-book.org. The authors have taken part in writing and maintaining software for spatial data handling and analysis with R in concert since 2003. Roger Bivand is Professor of Geography in the Department of Economics at Norges Handelshøyskole, Bergen, Norway. Edzer Pebesma is Professor of Geoinformatics at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany. Virgilio Gómez-Rubio is Research Associate in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom. "