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"Angular Test-Driven Development 2nd Edition 是一本专注于JavaScript和Angular的测试驱动开发(TDD)全面指南。本书旨在帮助读者深入理解TDD的概念,并将其应用于Angular框架的实际开发中。" 在《Angular Test-Driven Development》一书中,作者首先介绍了测试驱动开发的基本概念。TDD是一种软件开发方法,它强调先编写测试用例,然后根据测试用例来实现功能代码,以确保代码的正确性和可靠性。这种开发方式的核心思想是“测量两次,切一次”,即在编写代码前先设计好测试,避免不必要的返工。 书中的内容逐步引导读者进入JavaScript的TDD实践。首先,列出了开发任务清单,指导如何搭建测试套件。TDD的关键在于“测试优先”,即先编写不通过的测试,然后编写最小量的代码使测试通过。接着,书中探讨了测试机制,讲解了如何利用框架进行测试,特别是使用 Jasmine 的 spies 进行测试double(如模拟对象和存根)的创建,以隔离被测试代码与外部依赖。 在自动化测试方面,书中详细阐述了JavaScript测试的工艺,包括单元测试和端到端测试等不同类型的测试。单元测试主要关注代码的单个部分,而端到端测试则模拟用户与应用的交互,确保整个系统的功能正确性。此外,书中还涉及了测试的其他方面,如测试参数、断言以及如何通过重构提升代码质量。 在实际项目中,作者建议使用builder模式来构建复杂的对象,以简化测试过程。书中的每章都配有自测问题,帮助读者巩固所学知识,同时每一部分结束时的总结回顾有助于加深理解。 《Angular Test-Driven Development》第二版是一本针对Angular开发者深入学习TDD的宝贵资源,它涵盖了从基本概念到高级技术的全方位内容,帮助读者提升测试技能,构建更可靠、更易于维护的Angular应用。
2015-02-24 上传
Implement the best practices to improve your AngularJS applications using test-driven development About This Book Learn about TDD techniques, the TDD lifecycle, and its power through clear examples to enhance your Angular applications Integrate AngularJS testing using Karma and Protractor to perform JavaScript unit tests A practical guide filled with examples that focus on a wide range of testing techniques with AngularJS components Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who want to learn about AngularJS development by applying testing techniques. You are assumed to have a basic knowledge and understanding of HTML, JavaScript, and AngularJS. In Detail Starting with reviewing the test-driven development (TDD) life cycle, you will learn how Karma and Protractor make your life easier while running JavaScript unit tests. You will learn how Protractor is different from Selenium and how to test it entirely. This book is a walk-through to using TDD to build an AngularJS application containing a controller, model, and scope. Building on the initial foundational aspects, you will expand to include testing for multiple controllers, partial views, location references, CSS, and the HTML element. In addition, you will explore using a headless browser with Karma. You will also configure Karma file watching to automate testing and tackle components of AngularJS (controller, service, model, and broadcasting) using TDD. At the end of this book, you will extend explore how to pull data using an external API, setting up and configuring Protractor to use a standalone Selenium server, and setting up Travis CI and Karma to test your application. This book is a complete guide to testing techniques using Karma for unit testing and performing end-to-end testing with Protractor.