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In recent years, with the rapid growth of the B2C e-commerce market, the express delivery industry has also experienced significant development. Companies like China Post EMS, a state-owned express delivery service, have found themselves in fierce competition with private companies like SF Express and Shen Tong. As a result, corporate profits have been declining, making it difficult for China Post EMS to survive in the competitive delivery market. In order to break free from this intense competition, China Post EMS is exploring new strategies to innovate and differentiate itself in the market. This includes leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart transportation technologies to improve efficiency and customer experience. By adopting a B2C-focused approach, China Post EMS aims to find a blue ocean strategy that will set it apart from competitors and drive its growth in the future.
107 浏览量
2022-07-06 上传
2022-07-12 上传
2022-07-12 上传
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