Decemb er 10, 2010 / Vol. 8, No. 12 / CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 1167
Electrically controlled optical choppers based on
holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal gratings
Jihong Zheng (郑郑郑继继继红红红)
, Guoqiang Sun (孙孙孙国国国强强强)
, Ken Wen (温温温 垦垦垦)
, Tingting Wang (王王王艇艇艇艇艇艇)
Songlin Zhuang (庄庄庄松松松林林林)
, Yanjun Liu
, and Stuart Yin
College of Optics and Electron Information Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,
Shanghai 200093, China
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Pennsylvania State University, PA 16802, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, PA 16802, USA
E-mail: jihongzheng2002@yaho
Received May 5, 2010
An electrically controlled optical chopp er based on switchable holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal
(H-PDLC) gratings is demonstrated through a programmable, adjustable, and periodic external driving
source. Compared with traditional mechanical optical chopp ers, the H-PDLC chopper exhibits many
advantages, including faster response time, less waveform deformation, as well as easier integration, control,
and fabrication, to name a few. Its excellent performance makes the device potentially useful in frequency
mo dulation optical systems, such as frequency division multiplexed microscopy system.
OCIS codes: 230.2090, 090.2890, 050.1950, 230.3720.
doi: 10.3788/COL20100812.1167.
Holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal (H-PDLC)
has been receiving intensive attention in photonics since
Sutherland et al. first reported about it in 1993
. H-
PDLC-based gratings are tunable and switchable
cause the refractive index matching between the polymer
bonder and the liquid crystal droplets can be adjusted
by a suitable external driving voltage. Thus, many H-
PDLC-based devices have been demonstrated, such as
, optical switches
, optical attenuators
and dynamic gain equalizers
. H-PDLC-based de-
vices have high diffraction efficiency and fast response
time, and are easy to fabricate. Therefore, these devices
have been extended to other applications, including in-
formation storage
, sensing
, lasing
, photonic
, and other optical devices
Majority of the H-PDLC-based opto-electronic devices
that have been conceived and implemented only take
advantage of the basic characteristics of H-PDLC Bragg
gratings, such as excellent wavelength or angle selectiv-
ity, to realize the intensity modulation or wavelength
division. H-PDLC grating can modulate the input light
to the “ON” or “OFF” state, as allowing it to act as
an optical chopper through the application of a periodic
driving source to replace the conventional mechanical
optical choppers.
Generally speaking, a conventional optical chopper
consists of a slotted rotating disc, which modulates the
light beam. A conventional chopper design has slow re-
sponse time and is prone to mechanical deformation. Me-
chanical choppers, especially those with multiple beams
modulation, cannot easily achieve real-time, small-scale,
and integrated design. H-PDLC choppers, on the other
hand, can overcome these limitations and exhibit sev-
eral advantages, such as faster response time (less than
1 ms), easier fabrication and integration, etc. In this
letter, we conceive and demonstrate experimentally an
electrically controlled chopper based on H-PDLC. The
proposed chopp er not only has the potential to replace
mechanical chopper in several conventional applications,
such as beam modulation, it is also suitable for a number
of emerging applications, such as in frequency division
multiplexed confocal microscopes
H-PDLC grating works as an electrically controlled
switch. At the “OFF” state, the H-PDLC phase grating
formed by the mismatch of the refractive index between
the liquid crystal droplet and polymer bonder diffracts
the incoming linearly polarized light. However, when a
suitable electric field is applied, the polarization direc-
tions of all liquid crystal (LC) molecular directors are
reoriented along the electric field direction. In partic-
ular, the Bragg grating disappears when the ordinary
refractive index of the LC matches the refractive index
of the surrounding polymer. In this case, the incident
laser beam transmits the cell directly without diffraction,
corresponding to the “ON” state. Therefore, by applying
a proper electric field, H-PDLC grating can be switched
between the “ON” and “OFF” states. Furthermore,
given that such kind of switching can be realized with
nearly 100% efficiency at fast speed
without the risk
of scattering loss
, the H-PDLC-based switch can be
used as a fast speed chopper.
The fabrication of H-PDLC grating with high
diffraction efficiency and fast switch time is an impor-
tant step in realizing the H-PDLC-based optical chopper.
In our experiment, H-PDLC gratings were fabricated
from a formulation of 39.9 wt.-% LC, TEB300 (Tsing-
Hua Yawang), 39.9 wt.-% monomer, EB8301(UCB), 8
wt.-% crosslinking monomer, N-vinylpyrrollidone (NVP)
(Sigma-Aldrich), 0.07 wt.-% photoinitiator, rose Ben-
gal (RB) (Sigma-Aldrich), 0.13 wt.-% coinitiator, N-
phenylglycine (NPG) (Sigma-Aldrich), and 12 wt.-%
surfactant, S-271 (ChemService). The LC TEB300 has
an ordinary refractive index of n
= 1.511 and a bire-
fringence of ∆n = 0.168 at 589 nm. All the materials
were mechanically blended according to the appropriate
weight ratios; these were stirred in an ultrasonic cleaner
° 2010 Chinese Optics Letters