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《面向对象分析与设计及其应用(第三版)》是一本经典的IT专业书籍,由Ahmed/Umrysh、Arlow/Neustadt等人编著,旨在提供企业级Java应用程序开发、企业模式和统一建模语言(UML)在实际项目中的应用指导。该书详细探讨了面向对象分析和设计的方法论,以及如何结合J2EE™技术来构建企业级软件系统。 Ahmed/Umrysh的著作强调了J2EE™和UML在开发过程中的核心作用,帮助读者理解和掌握企业级架构的设计原则。Arlow/Neustadt的作品则聚焦于企业模式和模式驱动架构(MDA),通过原型模式和UML,他们展示了如何创建高质量的软件,并提升软件工程的效率。 UML2和统一过程(Unified Process, UP)的第二版由Arlow/Neustadt编写,进一步深入讲解了UML语言的最新版本,以及如何将其应用于软件开发生命周期中的各个环节,确保流程的一致性和有效性。Armour/Miller的《高级用例建模:软件系统方法》则提供了高级用例建模技术,以支持更复杂的系统设计。 Bellin/Simone的《CRCCardBook》可能是关于某个特定领域的指南,比如卡片式工具在项目管理中的应用。Bergström/Råberg的书名为《采用Rational统一过程:RUP的成功实践》,着重于Rational统一过程(RUP)的实施策略和成功案例。 Binder的《测试面向对象系统:模型、模式与工具》涉及软件测试领域,特别是针对面向对象系统的测试方法和工具集。Bittner/Spence的《用例建模》深入剖析了用例分析在软件开发中的角色和最佳实践。 Booch作为著名的软件工程专家,有多部作品涉及面向对象分析和设计,如《Object Solutions: Managing the Object-Oriented Project》和《Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 2E》,这些书籍提供了全面的OOAD方法论和项目管理策略。Booch/Bryan合著的《Software Engineering with ADA, 3E》探讨了Ada编程语言在软件工程中的应用。 Booch/Rumbaugh/Jacobson合著的《统一建模语言用户指南,第二版》则是UML官方文档的重要参考,为开发者提供了UML语言的详细解读和使用技巧。Box等人撰写的《Effective COM: 50 Ways to Improve Your COM and MTS-based Applications》则关注COM(Component Object Model)技术的应用优化。 Buckley/Pulsipher的《The Art of ClearCase® Deployment》专门研究ClearCase®版本控制系统在部署和管理软件开发过程中的艺术。Carlson的《Modeling XML Applications with UML: Practical e-Business Applications》则关注XML和UML在构建电子商务应用中的实用性。 Clarke/Baniassad的《Aspect-Oriented Analysis and Design》则探索了面向切面编程(AOP)的分析和设计方法,这是一种补充传统OO设计的新范式。Collins的作品可能是关于软件设计或项目管理的深入讨论,但具体主题未在描述中详述。 《Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications (Third Edition)》集合了多个领域内的专家经验和实践,涵盖了从面向对象分析到设计、技术选型、模式应用以及项目管理等多个层面,为IT专业人士提供了丰富的学习资源和实践经验。
2007-07-02 上传
Analysis and Design with Applications Third Edition


Grady Booch
Robert A. Maksimchuk
Michael W. Engle
Bobbi J. Young, Ph.D.
Jim Conallen
Kelli A. Houston

About the Authors:

Grady Booch is recognized internationally for his innovative work on software architecture, software engineering, and modeling. He has been with IBM Rational as its Chief Scientist since Rational’s founding in 1981. Grady was named an IBM Fellow in March 2003.
Grady is one of the original developers of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and was also one of the original developers of several of Rational’s products. Grady has served as architect and architectural mentor for numerous complex software-intensive projects around the world.
Grady is the author of six best-selling books, including the UML Users Guide and the seminal Object-Oriented Analysis with Applications. Grady has published several hundred technical articles on software engineering, including papers published in the early 1980s that originated the term and practice of object-oriented design. He has lectured and consulted worldwide.
Grady is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR). He is an IBM Fellow, an ACM Fellow, a World Technology Network Fellow, and a Software Development Forum Visionary.
Grady was a founding board member of the Agile Alliance, the Hillside Group, and the Worldwide Institute of Software Architects. He also serves on the advisory board of Northface University.
Grady received his bachelor of science from the United States Air Force Academy in 1977 and his master of science in electrical engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1979.
Grady lives with his wife and cats in Colorado. His interests include reading, traveling, singing, and playing the harp.