"电子商务基本原理: 三流合一的电子商务模式"
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The basic principles of e-commerce are essential for understanding the implementation of electronic business. The three key components of e-commerce are information flow, logistics, and funds flow, which are integrated to determine the e-commerce model. This integration includes services such as information provision, transactions, payments, and online customer support.
In e-commerce, the convergence of information flow and funds flow enables the transmission and storage of data online, distinguishing it from traditional commerce. However, physical goods require a logistics system for delivery as they cannot be transferred online. Therefore, the combination of these three elements is crucial for the success of e-commerce.
Overall, e-commerce operates on the principles of digital communication, online transactions, and secure payment systems. The efficient integration of information flow, logistics, and funds flow is vital for the functioning of e-commerce platforms. This understanding of the basic principles of e-commerce is essential for businesses looking to establish a strong online presence and connect with a global audience.
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