Windows Phone 7开发指南:面向Android和iOS开发者

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"Windows Phone 7 Programming for Android and iOS Developers" 是一本专为已经在Android和iOS平台上具有开发经验的开发者设计的指南,旨在帮助他们理解和掌握Windows Phone 7应用程序框架。书中涵盖了从基础到高级的各种主题,包括Windows Phone 7.1的新特性、开发环境的设置、基本概念、用户界面设计、数据存储、网络服务、推送通知、地理位置与地图服务、图形处理、多媒体应用、系统硬件利用以及安全性考量。 在Windows Phone 7.1的新特性方面,开发者将了解到这一版本中引入的更新和改进,可能包括性能提升、新API的添加以及对开发者工具的优化,以提高开发效率。 开发环境章节详细介绍了如何使用Visual Studio和Expression Blend进行Windows Phone应用开发。Visual Studio是微软的旗舰级开发工具,提供了强大的调试和集成开发环境;Expression Blend则是一个设计工具,专注于UI的创建和动画设计,使得设计过程更加直观。 在基础部分,书籍将介绍Silverlight和XNA框架,这两个是构建Windows Phone应用的核心技术。Silverlight用于创建富媒体用户体验,而XNA则专注于游戏开发和多媒体处理。 用户接口章节深入讲解了Windows Phone的设计原则和指导,强调了 Mango 操作系统的 Metro 设计语言,以及如何创建符合平台风格的用户界面。数据存储部分则涵盖了本地存储选项,如Isolated Storage和SQL CE,以及如何与云服务集成。 网络服务和推送通知章节探讨了如何与Web API交互,获取和发送数据,以及实现后台推送通知,这在现代移动应用中是必不可少的功能。利用位置和地图章节则介绍了如何整合GPS和其他定位服务,为用户提供基于位置的应用体验。 图形和多媒体章节涵盖了如何在Windows Phone上处理图像、动画和音频视频,包括2D和3D图形编程以及多媒体内容的播放和录制。利用系统硬件章节则会介绍如何访问设备的硬件特性,如摄像头、传感器等。 安全章节讨论了移动应用开发中的安全问题,包括数据保护、隐私策略和应用认证机制。 此外,附录还提供了智能手机芯片组的基础知识和Microsoft Expression Blend for Windows Phone的入门,后者是一个辅助UI设计的工具。样本应用程序指南为读者提供了实际操作的参考案例,帮助他们将理论知识转化为实践。 这本书为跨平台开发者提供了一条通往Windows Phone生态系统的清晰路径,无论他们是否有在iOS或Android上的经验,都能从中受益,成为Windows Phone应用开发的专家。
2011-03-21 上传
This book is a gift from the Windows Phone 7 team at Microsoft to the programming community, and I am proud to have been a part of it. Within the pages that follow, I show you the basics of writing applications for Windows Phone 7 using the C# programming language with the Silverlight and XNA 2D frameworks. Yes, Programming Windows Phone 7 is truly a free download, but for those readers who still love paper—as I certainly do—this book will also be available (for sale) divided into two fully- indexed print editions: Microsoft Silverlight Programming for Windows Phone 7 and Microsoft XNA Framework Programming for Windows Phone 7. With the money you’ve saved downloading this book, please buy other books. Despite the plethora of information available online, books are still the best way to learn about programming within a coherent and cohesive tutorial narrative. Every book sale brings a tear of joy toanauthor’s eye,so please help makethem weepoverflowing rivers. In particular, you mightwant to buy otherbooks tosupplement the material in this book. For example, I barely mention Web services in thisbook, andthat’s a serious deficiency becauseWeb services are likely to become increasingly important in Windows Phone 7 applications. My coverage of XNAis limitedto 2Dgraphicsand while I hopetoadd several 3D chapters inthe next edition of this book,I don’treally get intothe whole XboxLIVEcommunity aspect ofgame development. Nor do I discuss any programming tools beyond Visual Studio—not evenExpression Blend. My publisher Microsoft Press has a couple additional Windows Phone 7 books comingsoon: Windows Phone 7 Silverlight Development Step by Step by Andy Wigley & Peter Foot offers amore tools-oriented approach. Although Michael Stroh’sWindows Phone 7 Plain & Simple is a guide tousing the phone rather than developing for it, I suspect it will give developers someinsights and ideas. Moreover, I alsohear that my old friend Doug Boling is working hard on a WindowsPhone 7 enterprise-programmingbook that is likely to be consideredhis masterpiece. Be sure to checkout that one. amazon link: