
0 下载量 169 浏览量 更新于2024-02-23 收藏 6.17MB DOC 举报
technology, all aspects of society and industries are striving to keep up with modern advanced technologies, to improve their advantages through technological means. New energy vehicle online leasing is no exception. It is a management system developed based on the actual application background, using software engineering development methods and SSM technology. The development process of the new energy vehicle online leasing system begins with requirement analysis to determine the main functions of the system. Then, the system is subjected to overall design and detailed design. The overall design includes system architecture design, system data structure design, system function design, and system security design. The detailed design involves key code implementation of modules, system database access, and specific implementation of major functional modules. The system is tested for functionality, and the test results are analyzed and summarized to improve any deficiencies in the system. This provides convenience for future system maintenance and offers guidance for the development of similar systems in the future. The database used in the new energy vehicle online leasing system is MySQL, developed using the SSM framework. During the design process, emphasis is placed on ensuring the system code's readability, practicality, scalability, universality, ease of maintenance, convenience of operation, and simplicity of the interface. Keywords: new energy vehicle online leasing, SSM framework, MySQL database.