收稿日期: 2015-01-15; 修回日期: 2015-02-28.
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点项目( 61231006) .
作者简介: 田少华( 1964 - ) ,男,高级工程师,E-mail: clwy412@ 126. com; 丛亮亮( 1989 - ) ,男,硕士生,E-mail:
492974723@ qq. com.
第 41 卷 第 3 期
Vol. 41 No. 3
2015 年 8 月
Journal of Dalian Maritime University
Aug. ,
文章编号: 1006-7736( 2015) 03-0051-08 doi: 10. 16411 /j. cnki. issn1006-7736. 2015. 03. 010
MapInfo 矢量数据到 S57 标准数据的映射研究与实现
* 1
( 1. 大连航标处,辽宁 大连 116001; 2. 大连海事大学 信息科学技术学院,辽宁 大连 116026)
摘要:为提高内河助航能力,提出一种由 MapInfo 矢量数
据到 S57 标准数据映射的开发内河电子航道图的新方法.
在重点研究 MapInfo 通用交换格式矢量数据结构和 S57
Helmert7 参数转换法完成坐标系映射,采用累加去重的方
其属性的 XML 映射数据库,并构建矢量数据映射模型; 最
Linux 平台的软件流程,在 QT 环境下实现该
映射技术. 映射后的电子航道图已成功加载到船载 ECS
系统上和上海埃威公司 B 类 AIS 终端设备上. 试验结果表
S100 标准航道图的研究奠定了基础.
关键词: MapInfo; 矢量数据; S57; 电子航道图; 映射; QT
中图分类号: TP31 文献标志码: A
Research and realization of the mapping from
MapInfo vector data to S57 standard data
TIAN Shao-hua
* 1
,CONG Liang-liang
( 1. Navigation Department of Dalian,Dalian 116001,China;
2. Information Science and Technology College,
Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China)
Abstract: In order to improve the ability of inland river navi-
gation,a new method on the development of electronic river
navigation chart was put forward
,which is the mapping from
MapInfo vector data to S57 standard river chart. By focusing
on the MapInfo common exchange format vector data structure
and S57 standard vector data topological structure,the de-
tailed vector data structure model was established
,the differ-
ences and the mapping relations between MapInfo vector data
and S57 standard charts were analyzed and summarized,the
coordinates mapping was completed by using Helmert7 para-
metric conversion method
,the vector data topological struc-
ture was re-established by accumulate method,while XML
mapping database for objects and their attributes was designed
by the way of artificial match to build vector data mapping
model. Finally,software process was constructed based on the
Linux platform,and this mapping technique was achieved in
QT environment. The electronic inland river navigation chart
after mapping was successfully loaded into the ECS of ships
and the class B AIS terminal equipment of Shanghai Advanced
Avionics Company. Results show that the mapping method is
feasible with versatility and practical value. In addition,it
provides the basic reference for the development of S100
standard navigation chart.
Key words: MapInfo; vector data; S57; electronic navigation
chart; mapping; QT
0 引 言
[1 - 2]
. 如今,在海
上,EC DIS 系统已强制实施
; 相比于海上,在内
河,船舶没有完备的导航系统,助航能力不足. 虽
然中国已率先强制船舶安装 ECS 系统
,但 ECS
系统需要符合国际 S57 标准的内河电子航道图
矢量数据,而部分地区没有符合 S57 标准的内河
电子航道图. 若重新测量制作全部内河区域的电
. 文献
[6]提到了使用部分较为精确的 GIS 电子矢量地
图代替 S57 标准内河电子航道图的方法,但缺点
是这些电子矢量地图多为其他 GIS 软件制作,没